Chapter 15: Internal Affairs II

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"So, are we going to ignore the elephant in the room or what?" Orion asked.

Megatronus glanced at Soundwave, who was buried beneath an army of symbiotes, "Yeah. Soundwave, what is up with them?"

Soundwave, now completely sober, looked up, clearly offended, "What? You don't like them?"

"I was talking about the angry mob setting up base outside," Orion stated. "It's been two days and they haven't left."

"Did you expect them to?" Megatronus crossed his arms, "I don't see the problem. We have people to fight with us now."

"Yeah, but, um," Orion scratched the back of his helm awkwardly, "we haven't really talked to them."

"You're not talking to them," Megatronus immediately ordered. "Ever."

Orion frowned, "Yeah, I know. Soundwave made that pretty clear yesterday."

"Sorry," Soundwave slouched.

"What exactly do you expect me to say?" Megatronus asked, "I'm not made of speeches and inspiration. That was a one time thing. It was born of brooding and reflection from being in jail."

Orion frowned, "We're going to have plenty of jail time to think of new speeches when our disorganized crew fails to take down whatever gets thrown at us."

"So you write a speech," Megatronus huffed.


"If you think it's so important, you write a speech and I'll use it," Megatronus offered. "You're an archivist, aren't you? I'm sure you'd do a fine job. Besides, you're the one who convinced me not to give up."

"And me," Soundwave added.

"Okay one, Soundwave, I barely had to convince you, and two, Megatronus, I hugged you." Orion crossed his arms, "I can't put that into words."

"Why not?"

Orion began to stammer, but he was cut short when Megatronus's optics gained a dangerous glimmer and he held up his servo, "Actually, I think I know exactly what to say."

"You do?" Orion questioned in surprise.

"Yup." Megatronus stood up, "Verbal hugs, Orion."

"You're gonna do it... right now?" Soundwave asked.

"Before I forget how great your hugs are," Megatronus winked. "Why don't you watch from the roof, Orion? Soundwave, come with me."

"Kay," Soundwave shrugged and stood up, knocking several half-conscious symbiotes off.

Orion frowned in suspicion before quickly running up the stairs. There was a wall in the roof and he climbed a ladder up before positioning himself to watch as Megatronus and Soundwave came walking out. The two of them spoke for a short moment before they were noticed by the crowd.

"Greetings, fellow bots," Megatronus smiled at them warmly. More began to come out of their huts and tents as his voice achoed and the silver mech waited patiently until he had a large sum.

"As you all know, the caste system has been unlevel for eons now. Bots all across Cybertron are feeling the effects, not just those of us gathered here today. Only two days after our prison break, and we are expecting an attack anyday now," Megatronus frowned. "Those who come will be knocking down the doors of Kaon citizens and anyone else who stands in their way. There will be no justice on their side. We, on the other servo, will be there to dispense justice."

Megatronus glanced at the roof, "But we must not forget that these bots are not our enemies. Not yet. They're here because they have been given orders and might not know who their superiors really are. The corruption behind their intention. Which is why, when they do come for us, we will not go for the spark. There will be plenty of that later. We need to convince these bots, and the rest of Cybertron, that we are not the bad guys. We are not the criminals that those in charge will paint us as. We must prove this, and convince the planet to join us in our crusade to create an equal society."

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