Chapter 31: Manipulation

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Orion stepped into Alpha Trion's office, his optics set in determination. Ratchet wasn't with him; the old mech was still in recharge back in their room. Alpha Trion looked up from his desk and watched as the door shut behind Orion, no doctors in sight.

"Finally come to your senses?" Alpha Trion asked with a smug grin.

Orion walked forward, considering his next words carefully, "I will become a Prime, but I have a condition."

"A condition?" Alpha Trion scoffed, "You do know what level of authority a Prime has, don't you?"

"I have a condition." Orion repeated harshly, stopping in front of Alpha Trion's desk with a stiff expression that did not quite fit on a smol bean's face, "And you will accept them or I'll leave you."

"Leave me?" Alpha Trion scoffed humorously, "Do you really think that you can escape this place and my army?"

"I've done it before. Twice." Orion glared, "And this time I have a more permanent plan."

Alpha Trion paused and his optics searched Orion's for any clue that the former archivist was bluffing. Orion remained stoic and his EM field radiated authenticity.

"What is it?"

"No terminations."

Alpha Trion threw his servos into the air, "Are you kidding me, Orion? We're in a war!"

Orion's glare hardened, "I will not allow you to terminate anyone who is fighting for a good cause. Period."

Alpha Trion rolled his optics and leaned back, "We shall see."

"Agree," Orion ordered curtly. "Agree or I'm gone."


Orion put his servos on the desk and leaned closer, his optics narrowing, "Don't try and hide anything from me. When I find out, this truce is over."

"Alright," Alpha Trion agreed hastily. "Is there anything else?"

Orion hesitated, then shook his helm.

"Good," Alpha Trion stood up, "because you and I have a lot of work to do."


To say that Orion was exhausted would be an understatement. His optics trailed over a line of text slowly as Alpha Trion muttered and mumbled to himself over a scroll.

Orion did a double take and frowned, "Is that a scroll?"

"I own the Hall of Records," the old mech rolled his optics. "I have a large assortment of data containers."

"None of which are on public display." Orion looked away again, "I cannot believe I used to look up to you."

Alpha Trion scowled, but said nothing. It was becoming apparently clear to him that during Orion's time as a fugitive and criminal, the young mech had grown quite resentful. It concerned Alpha Trion that the resentment would make Orion a worse Prime, but by chosing the mech only days ago, Primus was almost directly telling Alpha Trion to have faith that Orion was still worthy.

Despite this, it was only a matter of time before the window of opportunity closed. The silhouette of a crimson mech with dangerously glinting optics flashed through Alpha Trion's processor and he glanced over at the still innocent mech.

Orion had been so much more innocent and kind as his data clerk. Once he met Megatron, things began to change, and if Alpha Trion did not slow that change by turning Orion into a Optimus Prime, then Cybertron would have a far more lethal villian to fear than Megatron.

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