Chapter 26: The Only Way

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Orion moaned and sat up, bringing his servo up to his helm and rubbing it. He onlined his optics and looked arou-

A vaguely familiar city.


He gasped, rising to his pedes and looking around with wide optics. He turned in circles, and the flames grew higher, brighter, until they engulfed the city. His vision was blocked by smoke and he tried to wave it away.

Somehow, that worked, and suddenly the sound of flames died down, and the smoke cleared. Orion took a step forward, tentatively, as the ruins stared back at him. Two mechs walked side-by-side not far away.

He ran forward, "Hey! What- what's going on?"

They looked at him and frowned, "Where did you come from? This sector is off-limits."

Orion blinked, "I- I don't know. Where are we?"

"The mess left of Iacon, of course," one of them scoffed. "Where else?"

Orion stumbled back, "This is... Iacon?"

The mech opened his intake, but before he could say anything, the ground beneath Orion suddenly gave way, and he screamed, falling through darkness until he suddenly hit a table with a loud thud.

"Lord Megatron, the Autobots are gone," a mech spoke.

Orion looked up in surprise. Lord? Autobots?

"What?" Megatron turned to look at the seeker who spoke, "How could you possibly have let them get away, Starscream? You fool!"

Orion flinched at his harsh tone, as did the young seeker.

Megatron turned away from them, "Cybertron is dead. The Autobots are abandoning the planet. There is no more energon."

Suddenly Megatron whirled back around and grabbdd Starscream by the throat, "I do not have the patience for your mistakes!"

Orion shot to his pedes, "Megatron, stop!"

He ran forward, but as the mech turned, Orion passed right through his body, falling onto a metal surface that seemed to be covered in rust.


Orion turned, his optics wide at the sight of Primus standing in front of him. The god offered a servo to the little mech. Reluctantly, Orion took it and pulled himself up.

"What is going on?" Orion asked.

"You are seeing the future," Primus answered. "This is what will happen."

"Will?" Orion's throat became dry, "You mean Cybertron is going to die? Iacon will be destroyed? The energon will-"

"That," Primus interrupted, "that and so much more. Our beloved planet is doomed, Orion. It has been for a long time."

"But- but we can change it right? We can fix this!" Orion exclaimed.

"No," Primus shook his helm, "I have searched for a way to save Cybertron from it's fate. No matter what happens, the events I have shown you will occur."

Orion looked down.

Primus vented deeply, "But there is a way for us to survive this. For Cybertron to be reborn."

"What is it?" Orion questioned, "Whatever it is, I'll do it."

"I know you will," Primus nodded, "you are worthy."

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