Chapter 22: Whether or Not

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Ultra Magnus stepped into the underground city, having already been granted entrance with a secret code in a building above him. His fists were tightly clenched, but Orion had promised his family would be here.

He didn't get much further in before there was a flash of blue and someone came running at him. Magnus grinned and knelt, opening his arms as his femme sparkling, Strongarm, leaped onto him.

Behind her, sat Magnus's sparkmate, and his smaller sparkling, who waddled over innocently, his little pedes clicking against the ground adorably. Magnus picked the kid up and then gave his wife a hug.

"Are you okay?" He asked, brushing his servo over her cheekplate.

"Are you?" She asked, "Your friend told me that you'd been arrested."

"I escaped." Magnus admitted, "But supposedly, that's what this place is all about."

A yellow mech approached them, with a similarly painted sparkling at his side, "Ultra Magnus, I'm Hive. You'll be staying with us until you need to leave."

Magnus nodded, "Thank you. Where is Orion?"

"He left for Vos hours ago with Makeshift." Hive informed the ex-guardsman, "I'll fill you in on everything, but why don't we get inside first?"

Magnus sighed and nodded, "Alright."


"Are we there yet?"


Makeshift perked up, "Wait really?"

"Yes." Orion scowled, "Now shut up."

He approached the gates to Vos and waved at the guard at the entrance, "Hi, I'm here to see–"

"Megatron." The guard stood up, "Yeah, I know who you are. They've been waiting for you."

The gates parted and the guard passed him off to someone else, who seemed incredibly bored as she showed them the way to Megatron. Makeshift kept asking questions, which she'd pointedly ignore.

"Here you are." The femme stopped at a door briefly before leaving, "Enjoy."

Orion looked the door nervously before reaching forward and knocking. There was a moment of silence before it swung open and Megatron glared into the hallway.

"Orion!" Megatron's glare disappeared in an instant and he pulled Orion inside, "You're safe!"

Orion smiled, "You didn't think I'd have trouble getting from Iacon to Vos, did you?"

"Actually, he did." Makeshift spoke up, "Mech almost got terminated by a mad scientist."

Megatron looked at Orion sharply before lifting him up and searching for wounds. Orion yelped, "Hey! I–I'm fine!"

"I'll be the judge of that," Megatron set him down and looked at Makeshift, "Who are you?"

"I'm the awesome bot who helped Orion escape. I thought I should join your little crusade. Especially if Shockwave is on the opposing side." Makeshift grinned, "I love revenge."

"Fine. Go across the hall and talk to Soundwave to get you situated," Megatron ordered.

Makeshift shrugged and let the room, shutting the door behind him. Orion and Megatron turned back to look at each other.

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