Chapter 17: Cold-Hearted Brute

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The virtual meeting shut down, prompting Alpha Trion to immediately stand and begin to pace.

His cohorts, the other members of the Supreme Council, all wanted to destroy the rebels as quickly as possible, before they could influence the rest of Cybertron too much. The solution was quite simple.

They'd drop a bomb on Kaon.

Unfortunately for the other members, that action required the consent of every council member and Alpha Trion refused to allow it while Orion Pax was still there. He hadn't explained why he needed the former archivist and it was bothering his colleagues. The fact of the matter was that he could never reveal what the ancient texts told him of the future.

But he had known for a while now that a war was coming, and his side would only prevail with the help of Orion Pax... as a Prime. Which is why, on the day that Orion had come to get a job in the Hall of Records, Alpha Trion had hired him on the spot.

The only problem was, despite his urging to initiate a mission to get Orion back, the others did not think a raid into enemy territory for someone useless was worth the soldiers it would take.

Oh, how they were wrong.

And because of the growing amount of Megatron's followers, he knew the council was getting anxious and soon enough, they'd likely send an assassin after him.

So Alpha Trion had to act faster. He needed to get Orion out and allow them to bomb Kaon before they got any wild ideas.

He turned around as his office doors were opened and two mechs walked in, one was angry, and the other was worried.

"Ratchet, Ultra Magnus," Alpha Trion smiled, "I'm glad you were both able to make it."

"Oh, I tried to miss it." Ratchet sneered, sending a glare in Ultra Magnus's direction, "But someone was too worried about getting kicked out of the Elite Guard."

Ultra Magnus looked at Ratchet as if the medic had just accused him of murder.

Alpha Trion raised his servo, "Don't worry, I'm not here to get anyone in trouble. I only want to help you both get someone else out of trouble."

"Orion?" Ratchet asked, looking up sharply, "For what reason could you possibly have to help the mech you almost killed!?"

The old mech scowled, "It was never my intention to harm him. My associates methods were a little more... extreme than I realized."

"Methods!?" Ratchet marched over, his optic lid twitching.

Magnus grabbed the doctor's arm, "It's probably not a good idea to engage in violence right now."

Alpha Trion grinned, "Exactly. Not when we could be planning an extraction for our dear friend."

Ratchet glared, "I would rather leave Orion in Kaon than hand him over for whatever vile schemes you have concocted."

Alpha Trion was quiet for a moment, and then he walked up to Ratchet slowly, "Orion Pax means more to this war than either of us. I don't want to hurt him. We only need him back, and safe from Megatron."

"Megatronus." Ratchet corrected, "And that Kaonian gladiator may be criminal scum, but at least he has Orion's best interests at heart. You on the other–"

"ENOUGH!" Alpha Trion yelled, "If we do not work together and rescue Orion by tomorrow night, the council will kill him!"

Ratchet took a step back, "What?"

Alpha Trion vented, "Ratchet. I know you and Ultra Magnus were already planning to sneak into Kaon and get him out. Without my help, you will fail. Please, accept my offer."

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