Chapter 21: Decepticons

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"Wakey wakey!"

Orion groaned as his optics flickered online and a faint yellow frame came into existence above him. The mech turned sideways and smacked another unfamiliar bot, who's yelp matched the voice.

"Shut up, Makeshift, he's disoriented." The mech glowered, "And for good reason."

Orion sat up, "Where are we? Who are you?"

"I'm Hive." The yellow bot explained, "Your friend brought you to my... house, after you both escaped."

"So," Orion frowned, "you know we're fugitives, right?"

Hive nodded, "That is how Makeshift found me. I'm part of an underground society for escaped criminals who were imprisoned under unfair circumstances. Your assistant in the prison break a few weeks back was spectacular. People around here think you and your compatriots are saints."

"Oh." Orion scooted back, "What were you arrested for?"

"Don't worry," Hive smiled, "I'm not some crazy murderer. I was Tarn Councilman, Daybreak's personal medic, and when I couldn't save his sparkling from a processor malfunction, he discarded me in the nearest holding facility."

"I'm so sorry." Orion told him.

Hive waved his servo, "It all worked out in the end."

Makeshift frowned, "So, um, not to press, but what exactly are we going to do now?"

"I have to–"

Orion was cut off as a shrill, young voice interrupted him, originating from the doorway.

"SIRE!" A small yellow and black sparkling ran into the room, lubricant in his optics, "Can I come back in now!?"

"You're already in." Hive chuckled, "But yes, kiddo. This is Orion Pax and Makeshift."

The sparkling looked up at them and frowned, "Do fey ever take bafs?"

Makeshift's intake flopped and Orion began to laugh, after glancing down and realizing that he was indeed covered in energon and dust.

"Bumblebee!" Hive scolded, "You can't just insult everyone I bring home!"

Bumblebee glared, "I didn't say fey were dirty. I asked a question. You have to answer me. You said that we should always answer questions honestly, even if fe truf hurts."

Hive huffed and looked at the two mechs, "Excuse him."

"Of course." Orion smiled, "Hi, Bumblebee."

"Hello strange red mech." Bumblebee held out his servo, "Nice to meet your ack-quail-tense."

"Acquaintance." Orion corrected, his smile growing wider, "And nice to meet you too."

Hive cleared his throat, "What were you saying earlier, Orion?"

"Oh," Orion nodded, "yes, I have to send a message to someone in Iacon and then go to Vos. That is where Megatron and the others are heading."

"Vos?" Hive winced, "You're taking refuge with seekers?"

Orion shrugged, "Nothing I can do but go."

Makeshift raised his servo, "What about me?"

"Don't you want to go back to your family?" Orion asked, "Let them know that you're alive?"

"They're dead." Makeshift stated, "Shockwave took all of us. I was the only one who survived his experiments."

"Oh." Orion looked down, "I'm sorry."

Makeshift shrugged, "So? Can I come with you to Vos?"

Orion nodded, "Of course! You saved my life."

Hive stood up, "Then it's settled. I go get my communicator and you can make the call."

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