Chapter 10: Betrayal

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Ratchet hadn't been to the Iacon Hall of Records since Orion first began working there. He wasn't sure if security had increased over time or if the extra muscle was a result of what happened with Orion and Megatronus.

He stopped for a moment at the clerk's desk and looked over the cluttered datapads and data chips. Ratchet smiled fondly for a moment; Orion had always put more on his plate than he could handle.

Ratchet turned away and went to the stairs toward Alpha Trion's office. A guard held out their servo and stopped him.

"You can't-"

"Cut the scrap and let me pass. I have words for Alpha Trion," Ratchet gave the guard the stink eye. "Unless you want to waste my time asking the big bot if his old companion can come in."

Intimidated, the guard eyed Ratchet for a moment before nodding, "Okay, follow me."

They both ascended the stairs and the guard opened the door to Alpha Trion's office slowly.

"Sir, you have a-"

Ratchet pushed past the guard and stormed into the office.

"Hey!" the guard grabbed Ratchet's arm.

Ratchet snarled, "Do you want a scalpel up your aft?"

Alpha Trion stood up and held out his servo to the guard, "It's fine. Leave us."

The guard hesitantly let go of Ratchet and left the room.

"I'm assuming Megatronus brought Orion to you?" Alpha Trion asked, sitting down calmly and picking up an energon cube. "How is my star pupil?"

"How dare you hurt him!" Ratchet slammed his servos down on the desk, "It's Orion!"

"Orion has always had a good spark... perhaps too good," Alpha Trion said. "I tried to find another way, but he left me no choice."

"So you tortured him!? We both know those wounds weren't meant to terminate! You were torturing him!" Ratchet demanded.

"I tried to lure out the real criminals that were brainwashing him. My allies were able to turn Orion against them during his short time with us and now he will no longer be a problem," Alpha Trion explained. "We are fortunate that he is not offline. Everyone else was trying to terminate him."

"Do you want a thank you?" Ratchet snarled. "You expect me to feel grateful for what you did to him!? How could you!?"

Alpha Trion snapped, "Ratchet, this is a bigger deal than you realize. Because of Orion's sacrifice, we were able to discover the identities of the hackers who have been terrorizing Cybertron for almost two years now."

"Orion's unwilling sacrifice," Ratchet glared. "Is he just a pawn to you?"

"I never wanted Orion to get involved," Alpha Trion looked down. "I tried to get him out of it, but he wouldn't listen to me."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ratchet asked. "I could have convinced him."

Alpha Trion sighed, "It's over now, Ratchet. Just be glad Orion is safe."

Ratchet stepped away from the desk, "He is not safe yet. Megatronus, he's with Orion right now at my house."

Alpha Trion's optics widened and he leaned forward.

Ratchet grabbed the doorhandle, "I believe you know how to deal with our problem?"

"Indeed, I do."


The door was thrown open with surprising force, flying off the hinges and crashing into the cabinets across the room. Megatronus and Orion immediately scrambled to their feet.

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