Chapter 4: Resident Guard

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"Excuse me, sirs?"

A dark orange and brown mech pushed through the doors into a large chamber. The walls were covered in datachips, monitors showing countless parts of Cybertron, and two mechs stood in the center of the room, energon cubes in their servos and boredom on their faces.

"What is it, Stroke Snap?"

Stroke Snap held out a datapad to his superiors, a list of information showing on the screen, "We have reports of an Iaconian clerk travelling to Kaon."

"Is this the same clerk that you reported to have been consorted with the gladiator? The one who was cross-referencing Kaon mining records?"

Stroke Snap nodded, "I'm pretty sure he went to the mine himself. Chances are, he found the Pit."

There was a growl of annoyance before one of them stepped forward and slapped Stroke Snap before growling, "I told you we had him under control. Stop looking into this."

"Bu- but..." Stroke Snap sighed, "Whatever you say, sir."

The younger mech quickly left the chamber and the two unknown mechs turned to look at each other. The one who had not spoken scowled.

"Are you sure you have the clerk under control? If this information gets out, we will lose ev-"

"Of course I'm sure! He reports to me!"

A scoff was heard, "If he reported to you, then we wouldn't need Stroke Snap to tell us he was cross-referencing data. Soon enough, we're going to have a problem on our servos."

"I will take care of it."

"Fine, but when you realize how useless your methods are, let me know. My people can deal with him."

"I don't need my best student terminated. He has done more for this organization than you realize."

"When you control the science division, you don't need to terminate bots to keep them quiet."

"I don't care how you do it," the mech turned away and headed for the exit. "Just stay away from Orion Pax."


"Megatronus, is this really necessary?"

Orion cringed as the larger mech tried to fit through the front door. The small Iaconian home wasn't designed to accommodate for someone like Megatronus.

"It will not be for long," Megatronus assured Orion. "I find it unlikely that any Kaonian would want to try very hard searching for you. We don't like coming to Iacon. Clearly, the feeling is not mutual."

Orion scowled,"Just because I don't like going to Kaon, doesn't mean I won't."

"Clearly," Megatronus grumbled, looking around. "Next time, get yourself an escort before you jump into danger headfirst."

"I'm a data clerk," Orion crossed his arms. "Do you really think I can afford an escort?"

"You're from Iacon. Aren't you all rich?"

Orion scoffed, "And here I was, thinking you weren't the kind to stereotype."

"Was that an insult?" Megatronus looked at Orion with an unidentifiable emotion on his faceplates, "You are braver than I give you credit for."

Orion didn't know what to say and in his moment of hesitance, Megatronus changed the subject, "So, for security reasons, I need to know: who do you live with and how often do you have visitors?"

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