Chapter 25: Come to an End

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The members of the Supreme Council were in a panic.

Soundwave incriminating them with every step Megatron took. T he savage brutes they'd accused Megatron and his followers of being—no brutes would ask for a peaceful audience with the council in the name of equality. Worst of all, Orion was willingly with them, his "captors." The Council's lies were falling like dominoes and there was nothing they could do but wish gravity would reverse.

The doors to the council chambers were opened, allowing four mechs inside. Megatron, the former gladiator and currently the mech that every bot in Iacon wanted terminated. If he continued with his charade of goodwill, that fact might not be true anymore.

Soundwave, the most notorious hacker on the planet. Not a single one of all the connections the Council had could stop his broadcasts. He was unbeatable.

And the, of course, Orion Pax. Alpha Trion's former archivist and data clerk, whom the Council had reluctantly agreed to protect, despite how fragile it made their web of lies. Alpha Trion was a wise bot and he insisted. He must have his reasons.

They were accompanied by a seeker named Sunspot, who led the seeker armada. She hadn't been in charge until recently, when she betrayed the former leader of the armada and helped the Decepticons take over Vos.

Soundwave and Sunspot stayed by the door. One to record the meeting and the other in case the Council ambushed them. She would have to quickly open the door and call to her seekers.

Megatron and Orion approached the center of the room, their optics raised to look up at the Supreme Council.

This was it. This was the moment that determined everything.

"I come to you," Megatron began, "as a representative of the bots who support me. I come to you as a representative of the weak and oppressed. I come to you bearing the name, Megatron."

Megatron breathed deeply, "But that has not always been my name. First, it was Galvatron. That is the name that my parental units gave to me before they were carried off to prison for trying to keep me alive. Then, I was given the designation D-16. I was forced to become a miner in the Pits of Kaon before my protoform had even finished growing. I was forced to work there, day after day, night after night, as a mere sparkling for something that I had no control over. I ask you, does that sound like equality?"

The council members looked back and forth at each other before slowly shaking their helms. A few of then murmured no.

It seemed to strike a cord within Megatron, "That isn't even the worst of it. Vorns and vorns passed by, before I was pulled out. I thought I was free. No. They forced me to become a gladiator, to fight and kill others like me for the entertainment of nobles and rich Ia– rich scoundrels. I have seen hundreds of innocent bots be terminated in that ring."

Megatron clenched his fists, "Does that sound like a society you want? Does that sound like the Cybertron community we have all heard of, but not all have seen?"

Once again, the council weakly agreed.

Megatron snarled and pointed at them, "Then why is it here!? Why haven't you done anything to stop the weak from being crushed!? It is almost as if you are doing it yourselves!"

"We had no idea of this gladiatorial arena," One of them protested. "Had someone told us sooner, we would have shut it down immediately."

"That's not the problem," Megatron sneered. "The problem is that thousands of bots go missing or are trafficked, and you have done nothing about it. You have said nothing about it. Did you even notice?"

"Notice?" One of them stood, "We have been trying to determine the cause of these disappearances for over a century!"

Alpha Trion spoke up, "You visited the Iacon Hall of Records for almost a week consecutively. Clearly, you had the time, why didn't you tell us?"

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