Chapter 7: Who Do You Trust

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Megatronus onlined the next morning in a more foul mood than he had in a long time. The air around him trembled in fear and not a single mech dared stand in his path as he marched down to Redbull's office.

He pounded on the door relentlessly. He didn't stop until it swung open and a blaster was aimed at his face.

"Oh, D-16," Redbull un-equipped his blaster and leaned against the door. "You look like your conjux endura just spark-bonded with another bot. Wanna fight about it?"

Megatronus only nodded.

"I'll fit you into the schedule, give me twenty minutes."

"No need," someone spoke up, and Megatronus's scowl deepened as another mech walked up behind him. "I'll take on the big lug."

Redbull froze, "Grassblade, are you sur-"

Grassblade and Megatronus were now staring at each other and Grassblade smirked, "I've been feeling bored."

Redbull nodded slowly, "Then you can both go in the moment this round is over."

The two of them barely paid any mind to the words and started walking toward the entrance to the pit.

"You don't usually take out your anger in the pits, D-16, why the sudden change?" Grassblade asked.

"It's Megatronus, now," Megatronus snapped. "And there is no change. I just don't get angry often."

"I see."

They stopped at the gates and watched the fight going on. It was clear who the winning was.

Megatronus glanced at Grassblade, "If either of us is doing something unusual, it's you. I've never heard of you picking a fight that you couldn't win."

"Bold words," Grassblade smirked. "Don't let that confidence be what brings you down, Megatronus."

The gates slid open as the battle in the center ended and the victor dragged her kill out. Megatronus and Grassblade walked inside and the crowd went wild. Both mechs were undefeated and high ranking. This would be an interesting fight, to say the least.

"But if you really want to know why I decided that you and I could use a fight..." Grassblade and Megatronus began to circle each other, "it would be because I've recently been informed that you let Orion Pax escape."

Megatronus laughed, "Is that the name of the little Iaconian? You worry too much about secrecy, Grassblade. If you really don't believe he's dead, check the dump."

Grassblade smirked, "There's no need for that. He'll be taken care of before we even finish our round."

Megatronus's optics widened and he stopped circling the green mech. Grassblade took that as his opportunity and raced forward, holding up the jagged blades on his forearms.

Megatronus equipped his sword and parried, shoving Grassblade to the ground in less than a second and pinning the bot down. The show did not matter this time; he could care less about what would satisfy the crowd. Megatronus pressed his blade against Grassblade's neckcables and snarled.

"What have you done?"

"I'm not the one who betrayed our secret to an archivist!" Grassblade hissed, struggling to escape Megatronus's deathgrip.

Megatronus considered demanding answers, but he realized none of it mattered. Someone was on their way to get Orion right now and the small mech had no idea.

No way of defending himself.

Megatronus slammed the sword down and sliced off Grassblade's helm, causing the crowd to erupt in vicious cries of approval. He stormed toward the gates and threw them open, not even bothering to bring the corpse back out.

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