Chapter 11: Trip to Hailso

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Hailso seemed different tonight.

Orion felt something in his spark that raged with an unfamiliar fury. It was powerful, and it surrounded him better than any cloak as he walked alone down the streets into the more dangerous parts of Hailso.

He found the bar he was looking for and walked into Medicre. Not many bots paid him much attention, considering there were plenty of small bots that came through.

It wasn't until he walked up to the manager and opened his mouth that every head turned his direction.

"Where can I find Soundwave?"

The manager blinked a few times in surprise and scanned Orion's frame, "Soundwave? He, um, I don't know. He only comes here to have meetings."

"Oh. Do you know anyone he associates himself with?" Orion asked.

Before the mech could reply, someone else cut in, "Hey, you're that little bot Megatronus brought in the other night, aren't you?"

Orion turned around and saw the same group of gladiators who had been drinking last time he came here. He walked away from the manager toward them.

"I am. Do you–"

"What is Megatronus doing with an Iaconian?" One of them laughed, "I doubt the little thing does very well in the berth."

Everyone erupted in laughter and Orion glared, "Look, I'm here on important business and–"

"Oh, they always are," one of the mechs snorted. "All high and mighty. That's pure Iacon loser for ya."

"Yeah, yeah. Who cares about us, when you live in Iacon right? They get everything handed to them on a silver platter while they're walking all over the rest of us!"

"I bet he's lookin' for Soundwave to get blackmail because Megatronus dumped him!"

Another round of laughter passes through the group and Orion finally lost his patience. Of all the days for people to make fun of him, today was not the day.

He snatched an energon cube out of the closest mech's servo and splashed it in his face, immediately silencing the entire room. All attention was drawn to him.

Orion glared, "You all have ten seconds to tell me you know where I can find Soundwave or I'll- I'll..."

"You'll what? Spill our energon?" The mech Orion had splashed asked as he stood up angrily, energon dripping from his chin.

Orion glared, "Does anyone know how I can contact Soundwave?"

Someone else stood up, "I do. What's in it for me?"

The larger bot pushed him down, "No, no. I want to know what the little Iacon will do."

Orion ignored him and looked at the fallen mech, "What do you want?"

"Hey, I'm talking to y–"

The mech grabbed Orion and pulled him closer, but immediately, the archivist swung out his fist and slammed it into the mech's faceplate. Stumbling back in surprise, the mech released Orion and grabbed his face.

Orion snarled, "I am not in the mood today."

He looked at the other mech, whose optics had grown a little wide, "How can I find Soundwave?"

Standing up again, the mech walked past his compatriots and guided Orion out of the bar, "I know where he lives."

Orion sighed in relief, "Thank you so, so, much."

The mech smiled, "I'm Radial, what's your name little spitfire?"

"Orion Pax."

"I have to say, it's not every day I see an Iaconian this deep in Hailso. Especially not in Medicre," Radial admitted, "and certainly not one who would stand up to Bluegate."

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