Chapter 8: Gone Gone Gone

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Soundwave and Crashdrive looked up in surprise as Megatronus suddenly stormed into their house, a cloak around his shoulders and his blade equipped.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think he's a serial killer about to offline us," Crashdrive joked.

Soundwave stood up, "What is it, Megatronus?"

"Alpha Trion has Orion," Megatronus ripped off the cloak. "They had a meeting and then Orion never returned. I waited for hours."

"Are you sure Orion isn't just ghosting you?" Crashdrive asked. "I mean, he looked pretty upset last night."

Megatronus stabbed his blade into the table, "Grassblade told me he had sent someone to terminate Orion."

Soundwave stared at his friend for a short moment, "I don't even know how to begin looking for him. Even if Alpha Trion didn't terminate Orion, we can't just break him out of some secret facility."

"We have a few locations, check them. Run servailence through the traffic cameras. You're both master hackers, aren't you?" Megatronus demanded.

"I've never felt more challenged." Crashdrive cast Megatronus a wink, "Let's go find ourselves an archivist."


Orion's optics flickered a few times as he onlined. Numerous system failure and warning notifications flashed across his vision. He quickly dismissed them before they could make his vision worse.

He tried to focus on his surroundings, but his processor was in a fog as he stared at the sky above him. One of Cybertron's moons stared back, ominous and silent in the atmosphere.

Orion tried to sit up, but the moment he tried to move, his systems began blaring alarms again, warning about electrical overcharge and overheating. Orion gasped and writhed, pain shooting through his frame.

The last thing he remembered was Alpha Trion... Orion furrowed his brows and frowned, trying to recall the meeting with Alpha Trion.


They had been talking about how his day off had been. Orion stayed up pretty late talking to the old mech and then headed home. Someone large and silver had attacked him once he got inside and wrecked his house.

He had a hard time remembering exactly who it was that attacked him, all he knew what that it was someone from Kaon that he thought he trusted.


An intense feeling of betrayal hit Orion and he clenched his denta as pain tunneled through his systems again. He felt pathetic and helpless, unable to move as electric shocks traveled through him; whimpers managed to escape his intake.

Soon enough, the sky darkened and it began to rain. The usually soft, peaceful drops of watered-down energon seemed to hit his frayed circuits like punches, causing sparks to fly and Orion's sensors to be overwhelmed.

Orion's optics dimmed as he fought to stay online.

Some light flickered rapidly off to the side, as if it was trying to gain his attention. Orion tried to turn his helm in it's direction and his neck cables erupted in agony. A low, twisted whimper escaped him as Orion's helm fell to the side.

He vented heavily and looked at the flashing light. It slowed down and began to blink in a familiar pattern.

Morse code.

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