Chapter 23: Cry Behind a Battlecry

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Roars of approval echoed, their chants and screams filling the air with excitement. Megatron and Orion stood before them, while Soundwave used his visor to record and broadcast the moment to all of Cybertron.

Megatron raised his servo, and the bots slowly went silent.

"They call us Decepticons." Megatron started, "They call us criminals and monsters. They have accused us of blowing up our own homes, for reasons I'm sure even they had trouble fabricating. They say that Orion Pax is a prisoner."

Megatron chuckled lightly at that, "If they are going to lie about us, they should do a better job."

He stepped forward, "I say that the time for letting the Supreme Council dictate what the good people of Cybertron believe is over. I say that if this is the Golden Age, then we will bring about a Diamond Age! The oppression that we have been burdened with for too long is coming to an end! For once in all of Cybertron history, we will put an end to cities who hold vendettas and useless enemy factions! To this I say, no more!"

Megatron took a breath, "Today, those of you who are tired of being used, come join us, stand on your streets and on the porches of your homes and shout! Let the Council know what you think of them! Let Cybertron know that you are standing up and from now on, the only thing we Decepticons will be known for is the freedom that we wrought!"

The crowds went wild and Megatron felt his spark ignite in passion. His voice rose to match theirs and he took Orion's servo in his own.


The air vibrated, the ground tremble, echoes continued endlessly, and most of all, the spirit of liberty, the spirit of unity, filled the sparks of the forsaken.

After that, it didn't take long before most of Cybertron had chosen to side with Megatron and Orion. Riots filled the streets as the Elite Guard in every city tried to quell the cries that would fill the air every time the sun reached it's zenith. Rebels flocked to Vos, while others formed their own, minature armies in their own cities, ready to aid the Decepticon cause in whatever way they must.

The leaders of Vos fled, trying to find sanctuary in Iacon. Megatron's forces stormed their capital and set up base, where each day, Soundwave would release a speech to Cybertron, detailing offenses against the citizens that the Council had committed over the years.

In the meantime, Orion and Megatron came up with their grand plan.

It was quite simple, actually, in the whole scheme of things, aside from the battle plans of how get there. The two of them decided that the best way to end the war before it could truly begin, was to take the Supreme Council off of the board. The plan to do that, simply composed of talking it out.

The idea was ludicrous to Megatron at first, but Orion reasoned that the Council would want the public to think they are the good guys, or else those remaining on the Council's side will turn against them. If Soundwave were to broadcast the events, then the Council would have no choice, but to listen to reason.

So no matter how the Council reacted, the Decepticon cause would be victorious.

The more Megatron thought about it, the more passive aggressive and appealing the plan seemed. He was excited to finally take control and shut the Council down for good. The era of equality that would be ushered in was an era that Megatron had dreamed of for far too long. It was time for that dream to become a reality.

Of course, Megatron told himself that he was doing all of this for Orion, but deep down, he knew that this was what he himself wanted too. He had dreamed of freedom since he was a sparkling.

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