Chapter 35: Optimus Prime

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"Orion is... gone. I stand before you now as Optimus Prime, the last of the thirteen primes."


"Terminate him."

"I'm sorry, my lord, what did you say?"

"Terminate him! Bury that fragging imposter so deep in scrap that he returns to the Well of Allsparks!"


"Where is he!?"

"Ultra Magnus, sir, I don't think there were any survivors."

"No. Bumblebee has survived worse, he will find. Search the area. Leave no rock unturned!"


"Optimus, what do we do?"

"Cybertron is lost, for now, and while we do not possess the means of reviving it, know that we will not lose hope and we will return."

"What are you... you mean...?"

"An exodus."


"Fragging warlord! Look what he has done to our planet!"

"Megatron may be ruthless, but he is an honorable warrior and there is nobody I would rather fight alongside."

"Then you are a fool, Dreadwing. He is the cause for our home's destruction, and he will be the cause for our termination as well."


"Sorry, Jackie, I don't wanna break up the band, but Prime needs bots to help him on Earth and you know there isn't many of us left. You should come with me."

"No way am I following another heartless drone into battle. Sorry, Bulk. You're on your own."


"Like Jasper Nevada is a party? We're alone wherever we roll."


"Don't take it personally, that's just the way Optimus is."

"I've never seen Optimus laugh, cry, or lose his cool."

"Well, I knew Optimus before the war, and... he was different."


"Megatron! I am aboard your ship! Come and face me!"

"Anyone who lays a servo on Optimus Prime will answer to me. Soundwave, send him to my coordinates."



"Prepare to join your scout in the Allspark."


"You took my voice. You will never rob anyone of anything ever again."


"Megatron is back... and with Unicron in his helm."

"What are we going to do? Optimus is in space will Wheeljack retrieving the Allspark."

"Stall. For now."


"Praise the Allspark! Master, you're alive!"

"I now know the true meaning of oppression, and have thus lost my taste for it."

"Enough! The Decepticons are no more, and that is final."


"I've been looking for you."

"Ratchet. What are you doing here?"

"There is news. I thought you'd want to know, given your sudden desire to abandon your Decepticon ways."


"Optimus... sacrificed himself."


"Primus, Optimus."

Megatron walked up to the Well of Allsparks, which was now glowing brilliantly, for the first time in eons. All thanks to Optimus. The damned Prime didn't know when to stop being a hero.

Kneeling, Megatron ran his digits along the edge and vented deeply, "You've always been an unpredictable one, Optimus. I wouldn't be surprised if you came walking back out again."

There was a moment of silence and Megatron lowered his helm, "You could do it, Optimus. You– I still need you."

Megatron's once red optics now faded to a dull blue. They peered into the brilliant lights that swirled within the well. They were sparks, just waiting to be brought to life. Then they parted, curling against the edges of the well, leaving a dark hole in the center. Megatron closed his optics and vented. It was as if Primus already knew what he came here to do.

Rising to his pedes again, Megatron took one last glance at Cybertron.

Rust was evident everywhere he looked, but the glow of energon was a promise of a new beginning. A clean slate for his wrecked planet. He was glad.

He took a step back.

The rush of wind filled his audio receivers.

The sound of falling.

It seemed as if the fall went on forever, and it could have, but before Megatron knew it, his frame erupted in agony, all but shattering against the bottom of the Well of Allsparks. He gasped, his optics flickering and buzzing with pain.

The first thing he saw was a brilliant, white light, and then the silhouette of a dark frame against it. Megatron's optics struggled to focus and once they had, he wished they hadn't.


The red and blue bot was ripped to shreds from his descent and pieces of his frame were scattered across the ground. His once bright optics now dull and lifeless, staring straight into Megatron's spark.

They stared, boring into him. Megatron wished that he could say the Prime's optics looked accusing, as if Optimus blamd Megatron for everything. But he could not. Optimus's stare was empty.

The guilt, though, the guilt still came. This was his fault. This whole war.

Perhaps it had started out innocently enough, but his bitterness, his rage, and betrayal, it tore through Megatron like a drug. He didn't want to be happy anymore, nor did he want anyone else to. What had the mecha of Cybertron ever done for him? What did they do to deserve his undying devotion?

They were the thoughts of a coward. Megatron was too afraid to accept the simple fact of his life. His goals had changed, and his future refused to change with them. In his fury, he had brought everyone down with him.

Including Optimus.

His love.

As his optics flickered offline, Megatron, ever so softly, whispered his last words.

"What have I done?"

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