Chapter 5: Exhaustion

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"Orion, how have you been?" Alpha Trion smiled. "You look tired."

"I'm fine," Orion assured him. "Is there something you need?"

"Yes, yes. How have the programming chips been working?" The older mech questioned.

Orion shrugged, "I haven't had the chance to use one yet."

Alpha Trion gestured for Orion to sit down.

"I noticed you've been hanging around with that silver mech downstairs often." Alpha Trion grinned teasingly, "Does this mean you're finally making friends?"

Orion's fans kicked on, "I- I'm just helping him find information."

"I see," the older mech leaned back. "Did you know he's from Kaon?"

Orion blinked, "Well, yes, he told me. How did you know?"

"Security ran a background check after his incident checking out datachips," Alpha Trion waved it off. "I was surprised to find that he was spending all day here, researching Kaon and Iacon, primarily."

Orion smiled, "Megatronus is very intelligent, but I don't think Kaon has very good records."

"Our records are the best on Cybertron, thanks to great workers like you," Alpha Trion complimented, "but of course, we have issues as well. Should you ever find inaccuracies in our records, fell free to let me know."

Orion nodded, "Of course."

There was a moment of silence and Alpha Trion leaned forward, "You haven't found any, have you?"

"Not that I know of," Orion shrugged. "Just the one datachip issue I told you about."

"I see," Alpha Trion looked disappointed. "Why don't you take the day off tomorrow, Orion? Spend some time with Ratchet. You've been working non-stop all month."

Orion looked at Alpha Trion in surprise, "But who is going to take my place? I'm in charge of the entire datachip section, we can't divert all customers to Lightshell, she doesn't have enough experience."

"We work at a library, Orion, there aren't that many bots who come here. I'm sure Lightshell could take over for a single day," Alpha Trion smiled. "It's not a big deal."

Orion huffed, but nodded reluctantly, "Thank you, sir."

"It's the least I could do for my favorite student," Alpha Trion smiled and stood up.

Orion followed suit and headed for the door, "I guess I'll see you in two days then."

As he left Alpha Trion's office and headed back to his desk, Orion checked the time. His shift was almost over.

He was surprised to find both Megatronus and the blue mech from earlier waiting for him. The two of them were in the middle of a conversation when they noticed Orion approaching.

"Anyway, thank you," the blue mech nodded to Megatronus and handed him his datachip before walking away.

Orion frowned in confusion and looked at Megatronus for an explanation. The silver mech completely ignored Orion's pointed stare and began to walk off.

"Where did you go?" Megatronus asked.

Orion scrambled to pull his unfinished work from his desk before quickly catching up, "My boss summoned me."

"Are you in trouble?"

"No, no. I got the day off tomorrow." Orion explained.

Megatronus perked up, "Good. I have someone I want you to meet."

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