Chapter 13: Ripple Across Cybertron

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"You were looking for me?"

Ratchet looked up, his optics landing on a blue mech with red accents. The mech's soldiers were humongous and a badge shone proudly on his chest.

"Ultra Magnus," Ratchet gestured to a seat, "I'm glad you could make it."

The mech sat down slowly, his optics narrowed. "I'm afraid your message was a bit vague. What exactly did you want to discuss?"

"A friend of mine," Ratchet frowned. "Orion. He's got himself into some trouble and I need advice."

Magnus crossed his arms, "He's a drug dealer?"

Ratchet looked up quickly, "No! No... It's worse actually."

The blue mech sighed, "You realize you've said enough for me to charge you for being a criminal accessory?"

"Well that's why I called the biggest rulebreaker in the Elite Guard," Ratchet frowned. "You're just one infraction away from getting kicked out, right?"

Ultra Magnus's optics widened, "How did you know that? The files are classified-"

"I'm a doctor," Ratchet smirked. "Every injured bot in the Elite Guard comes to my hospital. There's a lot of gossip."

Magnus sneered, "I should arrest you!"

Ratchet leaned forward, "I need your help. You need my help."

The blue bot stood up, "I've had enough. I may be a bit of a loose cannon, but I'm not corrupt. I'm not going to help some elitist Iaconian cover up his crimes."

"I'm not asking you to," Ratchet followed him to the door and grabbed his shoulder. "I'm just asking you to stop the people he's working with. Legally."

Magnus paused and looked at Ratchet, "What exactly is your friend up to?"

Before Ratchet could answer, the radio volume was turned up by the café femme. It held urgent news.

"-break! After the explosion, the inmates overtook the guards and forced their way out of the prison, led by a mech named Megatron and his symbiotes! These criminals are armed and dangerous! If you have any information regarding them, please contact your local security department!"

"I have to go," Ultra Magnus pulled away from Ratchet.

"Wait," Ratchet's optics were wide, "that's the mech my friend was working with."

Magnus looked at Ratchet, "You're kidding, right?"

Ratchet shook his helm.

"Do you know where they're going?" Magnus demanded.



Orion stopped pacing at the distant sound of cheering.

Soundwave had gone to aid in the prison break, but Orion had been forbidden to leave. As he ran to the window, Orion's optics widened at the sight of Megatronus marching down the street, hundreds of ragged mechs behind him.

Orion threw open Soundwave's door, but didn't dare go any closer to the crowd. After all, he was an Iaconian.

The mecha racing down the streets were prison inmates. Or rather, ex-mates... Whatever. Who cares what they're called!? Leave meh alone, plzzzz-ahahahahahahahaaaa... I'M LoSING MY FRAGgING MINd łøł ïm çřýįñğ--i'm kidding;)i don't cry anymor3 whaz wronG with meeeee!?!?!pffttsshhh

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