Chapter 6: In the Fold

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Hailso was a manufacturing district. It was one of Iacon's bordering city-states and was right next to Kaon. Most raw products from Kaonian mines went directly to Hailso and turned into usable products.

That was, at least, their greatest source of income, according to the Hall of Records. Hailso was known also for it's many bars and parties. Bots in Hailso had a reputation for being overcharged just the same as bots in Kaon had a reputation for being murderers.

Orion reached the border between Iacon and Hailso ten minutes before midday, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that Megatronus was already there waiting for him.

After looking the large mech up and down for injuries, Orion nodded to himself and focused on the questions that had been gathering on his way here.

Unfortunately, Megatronus spoke first.

"Here," he pulled a thin cloak out and held it out to Orion, "I don't need you being recognized. Plenty of the gladiators come to Hailso in their freetime to wipe away their sorrows and take out their anger."

Orion gulped and quickly put the cloak on, "Thanks."

"Soundwave and Crashdrive will be waiting for us at Medicre in the back. We've bought off a room, but as long as we are in public, keep your gaze forward and pretend like you belong."

"Got i–"

"That does not mean you will make optics contact. Avoid contact at all costs. Keep your field pulled in tight. Don't look at the roof, there are cameras. Move out of people's paths and do not bump into anyone." Megatronus ordered, "And above all, do not speak. You have an incredibly strong Iaconian accent."

Orion blinked, trying to soak all of that in, "Wh–"

"And try to stand up straight as much as possible, you're short. Don't try too hard, or else you will look clumsy and that's worse. If someone does speak to you and I can't answer, just point to your voicebox and pretend you can't speak."

"You know plenty of Iaconians go to Hailso for high grade right?" Orion asked.

"Yes, but they don't go to Medicre and they don't walk around with me," Megatronus told him. "I'm well known in Kaon and Hailso."

Orion opened his intake to reply, but Megatronus held out his servo as they passed a group of laughing femmes, "This is when you stop speaking."

The archivist nodded and followed Megatronus into a building that clearly needed repairs. He resisted the urge to gag as the smell of vomit assaulted his systems.

"Hey, D-16, haven't seen you around here in a while!" A mech called out, waving a cube of high-grade, "Wanna join us?"

"Go frag yourself," Megatronus stated coldly as he passed.

Orion almost tripped in surprise. Despite the fact that nobody probably noticed, energon quickly rushed into his helm and his fans kicked on.

"Slagger," the mech sat back down and took a large gulp of his high grade as one of his friends patted him on the back. A loud burp erupted from his intake.

Megatron pushed into another section and was stopped by two large bots, one a femme and the other a mech.

"Password?" The femme asked in disinterest.

Megatronus equipped his sword and pointed it at her face. She ignored it and looked at Orion, who's optics were stretched.


"He has no blade," Megatronus informed her, "and he's with me."

"Then go on in," she stepped aside and Megatronus opened the door. Orion grabbed it after the gladiator passed through and strained to keep it open as he went through himself. It was heavy, and Megatronus had made it took like a featherweight.

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