Chapter 29: Better Than You

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Vos's golden age ended the moment that the military pledged it's loyal to Megatron. The royal family fled to Iacon, where they still had power as high-ranking officials.

All except for two.

Starlander, the daughter of the king of Vos, had never quite fit in with her parents or her siblings. Her dislike for acting how a princess should led her to constantly run away. During those short attempts to get away, she met the second in command of Vos's forces, Sunspot.

The femme was sympathetic, unlike most other bots Starlander was forced to deal with. The escape attempts grew more frequent, all so that Starlander could see Sunspot. The two of them fell in love, and had a sparkling.

Starlander loved her child more than anything in the world.

But sometimes... the kid just wouldn't stop screaming.

"Hush, baby, hush!" Starlander shook him a little and groaned, "Where is Sunspot when I need her!?"

As if Primus had heard her complaint, Sunspot's frequency appeared at the edge of Starlander's optic field. With a small grin, Starlander set her sparkling down and ran off so that she could hear her conjux endura.

"Sunspot! How did it go?" Starlander asked excitedly, "I would have watched the news, but you now how loud our bitlit is."

"Starlander, you both need to get to Iacon now. We were wrong. Megatron really has been behind everything." Sunspot ordered in a low voice, "I'm going to relay the message, ordering that we all stop aiding the Decepticon, but I doubt everyone will listen. Vos is about to implode."

Starlander's throat went dry, "You mean... we have to..."

"Hurry, please. We will talk more when you get here. Go to the Iaconian Elite Guard. I'll be there. I love you, sweetspark."

"I lo–"

The frequency shut off and Starlander cringed. There was a moment of silence before she slowly turned around to face her room again.

A silver sparkling stared back at her, looking almost exactly like his other carrier. For once, he was eerily quiet.

Starlander walked over and picked him up, "I guess this is it, then."

The sparkling only stared back, his little blue optics blinking with innocence. Starlander gave him a sour face.

"Don't manipulate me, I know you."

The sparkling began to scream again.

Starlander walked out to the balcony, about to transform, but her optics froze in the sight below her. Vos seemed to be in chaos. Smoke billowed into the sky, and fearful cries filled the air. Her spark stuttered and she bit her derma hard enough to draw energon.

"They were right," she whispered. "Cruelty is the only way to keep the peace."

"So you're one of them."

Starlander whirled around in surprise, her optics wide at the sight of three mechs standing behind her. Their gaze flickered to the screaming sparkling, and then settled on her with a sneer.

"What are you doing here?" Starlander asked quietly, stepping back and clutching her child tightly.

"Come to take out the last of Vos's elite monarchy," one of them smirked. "You shoulda left with the other infidels."

Starlander took another step back, and her pede hit the railing. Her gaze hardened.

She was not going to die.

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