Chapter 3: The Pits of Kaon

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Someone grabbed Orion's shoulder and guided him away from the crowd. Orion, still horrified and reeling over watching someone be brutally terminated, barely noticed until the uproar of the crowd was muffled.

He turned around as the door behind them shut and looked at the green bot who had led him away.

"First time?" the bot questioned.

Orion nodded, swallowing hard. He opened his intake, but nothing came out and Orion quickly shut it again.

"Don't worry," the green bot smiled encouragingly. "It's perfectly normal to get first night nausea. Have a seat."

Orion glanced at the chair across from the green bot and then sat down slowly, his frame shaking. An image of the sword sliding into the mech's spark chamber flashed through his mind again and Orion shivered.

"My name is Greenpea. What's yours?" He asked, pulling out two cubes of high grade.


The mech smiled, "I'm guessing you're from Iacon? How'd you hear about the Pits?"

"A friend," Orion told him quietly. "I didn't... I didn't believe it was real until..."

Greenpea smiled and offered the highgrade. Orion shook his head, "I don't drink."

"Energon then?" Greenpea pulled out a different cube.

"Thanks." Orion took it and held tightly, "Um, is that... is that bot really dead?"

Greenpea started laughing, "Of course not! It's just a projection, nothing to worry about. We'd never terminate someone!"

Orion let out a breath of relief and leaned back, "Oh, thank Primus. I thought that was real."

"Your friend should probably have told you it was fake. He must be a real jokster, right?" Greenpea sipped his high grade calmly.

"I don't think so," Orion frowned and looked down. Megatronus had seemed pretty serious about how terrible the Pits were.

Greenpea raised an eyebrow, "Really? What's this bot's name?"

Orion looked up at the green bot and furrowed his brows, "Why do you need his name?"

"Well, if he's a member, we'll just let him know not to play jokes like that. Imagine what would have happened if I hadn't noticed you and you decided to go tell a bunch of bots we were terminating mecha down here," Greenpea laughed. "Ugh, I would have so much paperwork to do."

Someone knocked on the door and Greenpea glanced up, "Hold on, Orion. I'll be right back."

The mech stood up and went to the door. Orion took a drink of his energon and glared. He was going to kick Megatronus's aft for scaring him like that. He'd spent all day researching this.

Greenpea reached the door and opened it, but not enough for Orion to see the mech on the other side.

"I told you to talk to Redbull if you have a problem, D-10," he growled. "Go away, I have sensitive company right now."

"I don't go by that name anymore, Grassblade," the mech on the other side growled. "We've all gotten rid of our numerical names, they're belittling."

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