Chapter 34: The Price We Pay

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Soundwave fired.

The blue blast passed through the space between them and everything seemed to move in slow motion. There was a shout, a cry of warning, and then a light colored frame stepped forward, covering Orion's body with his own.

"Ratchet," Orion stated, his voice trembling at the hole in his mentor's side.

"My... promise." Ratchet smiled softly, "My... bitlet."

Ratchet fell over, and Orion screamed, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around the mech that had raised him. Ratchet may not have been his sire, but he was always there. He was everything.

Ratchet's optics flickered offline, and Orion looked up, his face shimmering with silver fluid, "YOU KILLED HIM!"

Soundwave walked forward, as silent and emotionless as his visor allowed. Behind it, his intake had twisted into a furious snarl. His servo raised again, pointing the blaster at Orion's helm, but this time, Megatron stepped in his way.

"Don't," Megatron glared. "Don't do something you will regret."

Soundwave remained silent, but in his spark, he knew, there was nothing he'd regret less.

His blaster remained steady.

Megatron's optics narrowed, "You wouldn't terminate me."

His blaster buzzed with warmth.

Orion's servo brushed over something in Ratchet's servo, and slowly, he pulled it out.

There was a shot.

Another shot.

Megatron's optics widened in horror.

Soundwave fell to the ground.

A wisp of smoke rose from the barrel of the blaster in Orion's servo. With it, Orion rose to his pedes and pointed the weapon at Megatron, who turned around ever so slowly.

"Orion." Megatron swallowed hard. "Orion?"

"From this point on, Megatron, we are enemies. Never let your guard down around me again, or those closest to you will receive the same fate as Soundwave.

Megatron vented sharply, "You- you can't do this."

Orion raised the blaster and aimed it at Megatron's helm, "I'll do whatever it takes."

"No, no." Megatron walked forward, "Orion, please. I don't want to be your enemy."

"You don't have a choice!" Orion yelled, taking a step back. His heel hit the edge of the Well of Allsparks. "Now get back before I shoot you too."

Megatron's spark stuttered, "No. No, Orion, please. I am begging you. I said that every battle I fight is for you. We- we can fight something else! I'll give up if you need me to! Just please, please, come back to me."

Orion almost dropped the blaster, but somehow, it remained, shaking violently in his servo and pointed at the helm of his lover. The look in Megatron's optics made the lubricant pour down his face faster.

He couldn't shoot.

He had to.

Orion's digit trembled.

It stretched.

He couldn't shoot.

He had to.

And he did.

A white-hot blast exploded from the blaster.

Megatron screamed, running forward as Orion dropped the blaster from where he had pressed it against his own spark chamber. The weapon fell, clattering to the ground with a sound far louder than it should have been.

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