Chapter 9: A Good Mech

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It took Ratchet hours to fix Orion's frayed wires and even longer to set them back inside. He didn't finish until the sun began to rise.

The whole time, Megatronus held Orion's hand tightly and refused to let go. He watched the whole operation with eage optics, afriad that Ratchet could turn on them at any moment and attack Orion.

When Ratchet finished and began to recharge in his chair at Orion's side, Megatronus stayed awake, watching over his charge protectively. Recent events weighed heavily on his mind and he wondered where Soundwave was.

His helm was down. Everything was scrapped. The leader of Cybertron had discovered what Megatronus and his friends were attempting to do, they killed Crashdrive, and almost killed Orion. He was no doubt being hunted by the gladiators of the arena and the law enforcement, along with his allies.

Everything had gone to scrap.

Megatronus looked up as Ratchet onlined and sat up. The doctor's optics focused on Megatronus and narrowed in suspicion. He was right to be apprehensive, considering a fugitive from Kaon was knocking on his door with a torn-up Iaconian.

The whole situation was a load of scrap.

"So... you and Orion were friends?" Ratchet asked.

Megatronus felt a slight bubble of annoyance. He had already explained this to the mech during Orion's procedure.

"Yes. I met him at the Hall of Records."

"Good. Your story hasn't changed," Ratchet stood up and avoided looking at the motionless mech between them. "You said Alpha Trion is the one who did this?"

Megatronus nodded.

Ratchet rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Stay here and watch Orion. I will take care of this."

"Take care- Ratchet, you cannot do anything, the situation to too grave. The best option would be to-"

That seemed to spark a fire within the old mech and Ratchet got up close to Megatronus, his optics blazing with fury, "I don't know who you think you are, gladiator or not, but let me tell you this, I raised Orion. Don't you think for a microsecond that I would do anything that could possibly endanger him."

Ratchet jabbed his finger into Megatronus's chassis, "It is because of your folly that Orion has been hurt, almost terminated! I won't make the same mistake."

The doctor pulled away and headed for the door, but Megatronus was still worried and he hesitantly spoke again.

"Ratchet, what are you going to do?"

The old mech stopped, his servo on the door, "I am the most skilled doctor on Cybertron. I have saved more lives than you have ended. My connections are far and wide. If anyone can grant Orion immunity, it is me."

Ratchet opened the door and glanced at Megatronus, "I cannot say the same for you."

The door slammed shut behind Ratchet loudly, causing the gladiator to flinch back. Megatronus stared at the door for a moment before his gaze fell to Orion.

Innocent, kind, little Orion.

Megatronus sat back down and buried his helm in his servos.

Soundwave's split-spark twin was dead. How could any bot go on fighting after a loss like that? He had no one else. No one but Megatronus, who had put them both on this path in the first place. Megatronus, who had foolishly let Orion join the crusade as well. Megatronus, who had been too cowardly to take a stand against Greenblade and ended the mech early on. All of the deaths in the pits, they were all his fault.

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