Chapter 21

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TW: Cuts and bruises

(Circe's pov)

When we got back everyone was there. Malachi, Theodore, and Enzo. Miles had just arrived.

Miles looked really angry and it took a lot not to smirk at his expression, Mattheo on the other hand didn't have the same restraint. I could hear him snicker from beside me.

Malachi glared at me from the other side. "I admit I underestimated you Circe" He started "A mistake that shall not be made twice" he nodded at Theodore and Enzo as I backed up and appareated away to the first place my mind thought of. The forest. It was covered in the darkness of the morning night. Everything seemed to be a shade of black, gray, or brown. Theo and Enzo appeared a second later. They started throwing spells at me that I kept deflecting; but they kept coming faster and faster until I broke and the next moment I was on the forest floor.

Vines the voice called out vines. Vines?

I was shaken out of my thoughts when another spell was sent my way. I blocked it, trying to get back up but I fell back down a second later.

Use the forest's magic. The voice spoke again, it said more than one word, it was also louder than usual.

The boys kept going and I kept getting weaker and weaker then suddenly they disappeared.

All the strength that had been keeping me mostly standing was suddenly gone. I slumped and fell to the ground as I heard someone coming. Mattheo's voice suddenly came to my side "Circe?" He touched my hand as I slightly turned my head towards him.

"I'm fine" I replied weakly

"Your not fine"

"I'm alive, am I not?"

He laughed dryly "yes, you are alive"

"What happened with Malachi?"

"I will tell you when you are better"

(Mattheo's pov)

I helped her up and appareated back to the room. Thomas glared at me as I appeared. I could see the cuts and bruises on his neck that I had given him. I turned away and set Circe down on her bed. "I'm sorry" I turned back to face him.

"What happened?"

"She took away the curse placed on me and thought she could do the same to Theodore and Enzo alone. She was fine but used a lot of energy protecting herself, that's all"

"Where were you while she was doing this?"

"I was talking with Malachi"

"About what?"

"Nothing that pertains to you"

"What did you talk about?" His voice grew colder

"Stop shouting, you're giving me a headache" Circe groaned, pulling the covers over her face.

"Sorry" we apologized before going silent.

I went down to the common room and did some sketching. I wasn't tired, my mind was full of too many thoughts. I was still working on a couple different things for Circe. I worked on that for a little bit before going back up to the dorm. Circe and Thomas were asleep.

I climbed into bed and tried to fall asleep but I still couldn't, my thoughts still were keeping me up.

When morning came around we had to go to breakfast for an announcement which ended up being a new student. They were joining the 4th year Slytherins even though they were 13. Apparently they were advanced like Circe was. I didn't pay much attention to them, I was in my thoughts, staring off into the distance.

Circe touched my hand and shifted my eyes towards her "Are you ok?" She whispered

I nodded my head slightly and she raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "I'm just have a lot on my mind" I explained

She nodded her head "Well I'm here if you ever want to talk" She made a slight smile

"I know" I looked down at the table then back to her "and I'm always here for you"

Her smile became bigger and it made my smile bigger. I gave her a side hug and she rested her head on my shoulder.

(Circe's pov)

November was coming to a close. Only a week and a half left. Thomas still didn't let me go anywhere near Malachi, Theodore, or Enzo. I could have done it if I wanted to but I didn't see them around anymore. I missed Theo and Enzo. I was surprised that Malachi hadn't done anything recently and I was nervous as to what he was planning.

I had seen the new boy around but never got time to talk to him. We only had two classes together and we didn't sit by each other in class or in the Great Hall.

I was in the Slythern common room when I bumped into him. He smelled strongly of smoke which only reminded me of Theodore. I looked up at him and smiled slightly before trying to get around him. As I passed him he suddenly grabbed my wrist "Wait"

I turned to him while pulling my wrist away "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, what are you doing in the Slytherin common room?" He asked "I have seen you at the Slytherin table and hanging out with some other Slytherins but your not a Slytherin and I don't think Ravenclaws are allowed in this common room"

"Yes I am aware"

"Yet you're still here?"

"I come in here all the time, my brothers are in this house and I almost got sorted into this house. None of the other students have a problem with me being here, so I don't see the problem or harm"

"Who are your brothers?"

"Mattheo goes here currently and Thomas graduated last year"

"Mattheo as in Mattheo Riddle?"

I smiled "Yes, exactly like Mattheo Riddle, do you know him?"

"How could I not" I turned and continued towards my brother's dorm but he stopped me again "I don't believe I caught your name. Mines Liam"

"Circe" I replied with a nod of my head, making my way up the stairs. 

992 words 

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