Chapter 006

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Chapter 006: Damn it, God

[Isn't this the boss of Lehua's agent? Geng Ziying, are you crazy? Pretend to be a ghost and curse others. You are not afraid of suing!]

[It looks decent. I really think I'm a fortune teller. Wake up, the state advocates not feudal superstitions, okay? Hello, 110? I've reported here.]

[Sitting for Lehua's official to come out and slap in the face! Come on, the backhand is a lawyer's letter. @Lehua Media @Lehua Media]


The majority of netizens ridiculed and completely regarded Geng Ziying as a jumping clown. It jumped up and down for the popularity, which was simply shameless. Lehua's agent also felt ridiculous and funny. While public relations, they contacted General Assistant Xu.

When Mr. Xu heard the news, his heart was jumping, but he still didn't think so, so he went to Mr. Xu to ask how to deal with Geng Ziying.

However, Mr. Xu has recently stared at a beauty and plans to do it tonight. At this time, he should be happy in the hotel. When you go there, you have to listen to the movement inside and knock on the door. Don't disturb Mr. Xu's interest.

Thinking about this, he went to the hotel. Before he walked outside the door, he heard a sad scream inside!

"Ah, ah--"

General Assistant Xu trembled and rushed into the room immediately. The bloody scene in it hit his eyes and was stunned.


Fifteen minutes later, the police car and ambulance arrived one after another. The ambulance staff waved their hands and turned away. The body was so cold that there was no need to rescue it.

The police protect the scene, start the on-site investigation, take photos and collect evidence, take the informant and General Assistant Xu to question, and all the witnesses present who have entered the room bring evidence samples in order to remove the redundant doubts of the case.

General Assistant Xu was taken away by the police in a daze. His brain was blank, and some were just panicked and uneasy. He recalled the tragedy he had just witnessed and shuddered.

Mr. Xu lay in bed with such a stabbing on his upper body. He was stabbed up and down more than a dozen times. Blood soaked most of the sheets, and his face was even more pierced, and his brain and pulp splashed. If Mr. Xu hadn't hadn't been for his familiar Bodhi bracelet in his hand, he would not have known that the bed was Mr. Xu.

The scene was miserable and bloody.

"vomit--" There was a faint sound of vomiting not far away. General Assistant Xu recognized that it was the first to find the voice of the cleaning aunt, which made him feel like he wanted to vomit.

At that time, as soon as Geng Ziying's Weibo was sent out, it was besieged by the majority of netizens. Lehua Broker's official Weibo issued a statement as soon as possible, which was righteous and strict.

It means that Lehua brokers are good citizens who abide by the law and abide by the law. xq or something does not exist, which is completely slander and smearing. He will send a lawyer's letter to Geng Ziying one day to sue for insulting defamation, and announce the termination of the contract and demanding compensation for high liquidated damages.

At the same time, other spiritual compensation will be investigated for spreading rumors of death.

As soon as this statement came out, many artists of Lehua Broker also forwarded it one after another to support the company.

Seeing this, the majority of netizens shouted more happily. They bombarded Geng Ziying. Lehua's agent issued a statement and slapped him in the face properly. After two hours of death, they still lived a good life.

If you curse people to die, you are not afraid of retribution!

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, a famous second generation of Internet celebrity on Weibo posted Weibo, with only a few words and two photos, which attracted the attention of countless netizens.

Pei Xiu kingv: [Damn it, my God! @Geng Ziying. Picture.jpg, picture.jpg]

In those two photos, the first one was in the hotel suite, with a large bed exposed on the left, with a pair of feet and half calves, and the feet were shocking red.

The second one, located in the corridor outside the room, is the arrival of the police and ambulance personnel, entering and leaving the room!

Below it is the name and address of the hotel.

The whole network was shocked.

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