Chapter 306-310

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Chapter 306: Zuo Zhan Appears against the Enemy

That night, outside the villas where Director Zuo lived, it became lively!

The old ghosts around Geng San, to be precise, were all ghosts killed by Zuo Zhan and Bai Rouman, floated outside those people's villas and witnessed an unknown force invading the villa, covering the sleeping master in the master bedroom.

I saw that the master's body twitched, and then there was no movement!

And the unknown power suddenly jumped out of the garden land outside the villa, with a familiar and horrible atmosphere, which is exactly the array!

As Geng San expected, these Zuo's directors were tampered around them, and depending on this situation, I'm afraid that this move is not a good thing. There is only one person who can do this.

Well, tomorrow's board of directors is afraid it will change.

The old ghosts looked at each other in consternation, and they all tacitly raised an evil smile. In this case, they will add more fire!

The next day, Zuo's board of directors was convened. Not to mention that this meeting was quite meaningful. Not to mention Zuo's internal staff were waiting nervously to know what the final result would be.

Zuo Zhan insisted to the end, just like the protagonist's aura dungeon controlled the power of the Zuo family, or would it be defeated. The whole Zuo family was changed to the dynasty, and the upper position was changed to someone. I don't know what Zuo would become in the future.

Not to mention Zuo's people, even outside, no, it can be said that the whole circle of rich families is very interested. After all, Zuo's attack by foreign forces is not small, and all rich families are paying attention to it.

Hearing again, the reason why Zuo was attacked was actually a mess made by Bai Rouman, which revenged Zuo Zhan for drinking a lot of wine with other women.

Revenge is revenge, but revenge on the wrong person, which makes people laugh off.

Anyway, the rich family circle especially understands incompetence in the entangled love between Zuo Zhan and Bai Rouman, just like aggling wisdom. Now Zuo is suffering from such a big crisis, which is far more ruthless than the second master of the Zuo family two years ago.

If the anger of the disciple can't be eliminated, the Zuo clan will still be constantly attacked by malicious code, and one is more and more fierce. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that Zuo will damage more than half.

However, although Zuo Zhan was caused by Bai Rouman's mess this time, he finally angered Zuo's directors and forced Zuo Zhan to make a choice. Either he dump Bai Rouman or go with Bai Rouman.

Stop pulling Zuo's family into the water. No matter how big Zuo is, it is not enough for this pair of mentally retarded men and women.

However, after all, he has the surname Zuo Zhan, and Zuo Zhan has fallen down, and there is still Mr. Zuo carrying it. Whoever you want to choose has to pass Mr. Zuo!

Mr. Zuo is Zuo Zhan's grandfather. He also knew two years ago that Zuo's second son was killed by Zuo Zhan, but he still covered him and closed his eye.

After all, he is his beloved grandson, capable and meansful, and he is also the future heir of the Zuo family. The second master of the Zuo family is old, and his son is only five years old. I don't know how many years it will take until the son grows up.

Moreover, the fratricidal matter of relatives must not be spread, otherwise it will become a joke in the rich circle!

Of course, this kind of thing has not been exposed yet, so Mr. Zuo will definitely stand on Zuo Zhan's side and maintain Zuo Zhan, because now Zuo Zhan is the only candidate in the Zuo family who can control Zuo's family.

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