Chapter 286-290

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Chapter 286: The Enemy's Way Is Narrow

No wonder the gangster was seriously injured so easily. Although the gangster, like ordinary fierce ghosts, once he kills each other ghosts and devours each other, he will also devour the resentment and hatred of the other party, thus losing his mind.

There is only a killing instinct left.

But after all, the bastard is a guy who has existed for more than a hundred years. It is not surprising that he is irrational, but if he is so low, it is worth cribating.

Good boy, it turns out that someone is secretly using the power of the gangster and transferring it to his side for his use.

And this breath is...

It's really narrow for enemies!

Geng Sanwei raised the corners of his lips, but tightened the palm of his hand. In an instant, he pinched the small black tripod in his hand torn apart, ruthlessly cutting off the other party's contact with this side.

As for how terrible the other party will suffer from his own side, it has nothing to do with Geng San.

Geng San threw away the fragments in his hand, and then turned around, narrowed slightly, and glanced at the whole audience.

Not to mention that the people in Fengle Village are suffering from pain. To mention the Yang family alone, since the monster was severely injured by Geng San, Yang Ziyu has finally recovered a little senses a little.

However, Yang Ziyu resonated with her obsession here from the beginning, and as if she heard the painful shouts of her father and other family suppressed by the villagers, which made her more stimulated.

With the obsession around her, she began to torture the villagers here indiscriminately. Like them, she was replaced with the ashes or sold to Fengle Village after her death.

How can I not feel it all the way, but it is sealed to death by Fuzhuan, which is not help crying and struggling.

He was even strongly placed in the ancestral temple and waited for the time to marry Lord Ghosts and Gods. Yang Ziyu was naturally shocked. If he was unwilling or not, he had to try his best to escape.

But there seems to be a magic array here. No matter how hard Yang Ziyu tries, he can't escape. In desperation, he can only think of entrusting dreams for his relatives.

But on the first day, when I saw my parents' grief, one went to the hospital, the other was energetic and had to take care of his mother and take care of the company, and even took care of his sick grandparents at night.

Yang Ziyu couldn't say his situation and couldn't make them stimulated.

Finally, I found my cousin and cousin, that is, Yang Rui and Yang Qi.

Next is the series of things. Yang Ziyu has been imprisoned and tortured. He doesn't know what's going on outside. He just heard that the day of marriage was suddenly one day earlier.

Yang Ziyu was completely desperate!

But I didn't expect...

Now, Yang Ziyu's reason has been all assimilated by the obsession of the women around him. He can't feel the existence of the outside world at all. He only blindly replaces their feelings and carries out crazy revenge on the villagers present.

It was not until the anxious voice of the Yang family that Yang Ziyu finally recovered a little senses. She turned around. A pair of scarlet hatred eyes looked at the people in front of him, from vague to becoming clearer.

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