Chapter 007

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Chapter 007: Hit a rake upside down

After poking those words, Geng San threw his mobile phone aside and ignored it. He closed his eyes and slept. When it came to this body, the body had lost too much blood and lost its vitality.

In addition, the soul weapon is not worthy. Geng San needs to spend effort to support the operation of this body. The wrist wound is turned out. If it is not handled, I'm afraid it will be useless. Even if she wants to deal with it, there is no professional medicine box in this house, so she has to go to the hospital to stitches.

"If you want to see it, just go and see it, but it's better not to do superfluous things." Geng San didn't open his eyes, and this sentence suddenly came out of his mouth, which immediately shocked the female ghost who curled up obediently.

"Yes, is that okay?"

Geng Ziying died not long ago. Although she knew who harmed her through the cause and effect wrapped around her body, she was in the bathroom as soon as she was shaped. She was pressed by Geng San and couldn't move, so she could only follow Geng San obediently.

Of course, I haven't had time to find those guys yet.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yewei, who was directly a Lehua agent, took action on Geng Sanyi, actually died tonight. He was still killed. What a karma!

Geng San did not respond, but waved. The female ghost was overjoyed and immediately floated through the window towards Xu Yewei's hotel where he died.

Geng San still closed his eyes, and his brain hurts a while. Unexpectedly, he changed the world and changed his body, and the sequelae followed.

Geng San was an orphan in his previous life and was picked up and adopted by the depressed master's family, but he did not want to show his strong talent together. No one can compare with the heavenly master circle, but the master's family's reputation was extremely poor and was rejected by the heavenly master circle.

Geng San doesn't care. Although the master is depressed, at least there are not so many rules, and she has also raised her as an adult.

However, when exorcising ghosts, Geng San unexpectedly met other celestial masters, because others were caught by ghosts to attack her. Her soul was damaged, had a headache, and his personality became irritable.

As for how she finally got to the world and how she got to Geng Ziying, oh, it's just that there was a stupid guy in the circle of heaven and raised thousands of evil ghosts in an attempt to gain strength, but she was not sure that he got out of control.

Master Geng San calculated the heavenly opportunity, issued an early warning, exhausted his strength, and was born that the heavenly master circle sneered at them, didn't pay attention to them, and insulted and ridiculed. Master was so angry that he went back and fell down with regret.

It was not until the disaster broke out and the traditionally superior circle of heavenly masters reacted. It was too late, and even if the lives of countless capable people and aliens were fought to start the array, it could not be stopped.

Ten thousand ghosts howled and ared, and there were many innocent people buried in the mouth of evil spirits. When everyone was desperate, Geng San appeared to follow Master's last wish.

Although the master was rejected by the Heavenly Master Circle, her master still cherished all sentient beings, so even if Geng San was unwilling to, he still entered the heart and destroyed thousands of evil spirits with his own strength.

He slapped the Tianshi Circle with a strong sense of superiority, and investigated the roots and the source of the disaster, all of which were conceived by the long-corrupt Tianshi Circle.

You deserve it!

However, she was eliminated and cooled herself by the way.

Geng San opened her eyes, had a tomb-sweeping day, and her headache symptoms were relieved, so it was enough to say that this kind of salvation once, and she was not interested in doing it again.

Now that you have changed the world, you have to live at will, but before that, you have to solve a dry of pests, and it is your life after clearing the cause and effect on your body.

This ancient early sadistic article is a typical double lover. Because her mother was cancer, Bai Rouman found the hero Zuo Zhan to make an agreement to be his white moonlight double for 10 million yuan. Previously, her father was drunk and killed Zuo Zhan's father, which made her mother depressed.

Zuo Zhan agreed and staged a series of tortures with Bai Rouman. The supporting actress intervened and misunderstood the calculation, escaped and imprisoned. In the end, he found his true feelings and the finale of the reunion between the two.

In the end, there was also a smart dragon and phoenix twin.

And Geng Ziying, really cannon fodder can no longer be cannon fodder. She took in Bai Rouman, who escaped, because of the kindness he had been helped in high school, so Zuo Zhan made black material and forced Bai Rouman to come back.

Bai Rouman came back and wanted Zuo Zhan to let go of Geng Ziying, but he was robbed by Zuo Zhan of his mobile phone and forced to do it in one go. He said that he only punished Geng Ziying for a few days, and she would let her go.

After the two resoned, Zuo Zhan said that Geng Ziying wanted to send Bai Rouman far away so that he could take office, and showed the so-called evidence to Bai Rouman. It was a photo of Geng Ziying toasting beside Zuo Zhan.

And the recording of her conversation with her agent. The agent told Geng Ziying that she needed to entertain Mr. Zuo well in order to have resources.

Geng Ziying came a slightly invisible 'good'.

Bai Rouman believed it and said sadly and angrily that she really saw the wrong person.

Zuo Zhan's words were just a few days of course, and he didn't plan to do it. Not only Zuo Zhan, but also many people contributed to the waves. Geng Ziying finally couldn't stand the online violence to commit suicide!

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