Chapter 316-320

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Chapter 316: Xu Ling's Soul

A deep sneered came, and Geng San and his party, who walked down the stairs, were immediately heard clearly, followed by a cracking collision, accompanied by a sad scream, followed by the muffle of something falling to the ground.

Then what came into their eyes was a vast underground space, which was dark and gloomy, and the air spread with a pungent and strong smell of blood, which was disgusting.

However, this is not the point. At a glance, you can see that there are a lot of black patterns on the ground, which are densely connected, condensing sticky and disgusting blood, and pouring the whole array.

There is a dark fog in all directions of the edge of the array, which is implicated by the array, and the ghosts are extracted by layer by layer, causing the black fog to scream sharply.

The array is densely filled with large black groups, crazily attacking and devouring the black group around them, and there is an object wrapped in black fog in the center. The shape and size are not clear, but you can feel all the forces in the whole array being wildly swallowed up by that thing.

It's getting bigger and bigger, and more terrible.

Such a terrible scene shocked Pei Xiu and Song Rong. Yu Anhao's pupils suddenly shrank, subconsciously stepped back two steps in a row, looking at the scene in front of him with fear. This scene was very exciting to him.

And next to the array, there is a person shrouded in all kinds of black fog. At this time, the black fog began to fade from that person, but strangely it did not dissipate, but turned into his use and directly attacked another person.

He completely flew the man, hit the wall behind him, and then fell down and couldn't move.

It's Zhong Yifeng!

Song Rong and others recognized the identity of the person who fell to the ground at a glance. Not to mention that they were embarrassed. Their left arm and right legs were broken in strange directions, and blood appeared in many places, and soon a small bloody beach was formed under him.

I don't know whether it's still or not.

"I didn't expect you to find it here because of this thing?"

Zhong Yiming turned around and looked at the four people who arrived. To be precise, Geng San was the leader. He narrowed slightly and looked at Geng San up and down.

"Although you have ruined my good things again and again, in fact, this is the first time we have met, Geng Ziying."

"No, Geng San!"

Geng Ziying's face was early, but she lived well. Not only that, she also changed her name to Geng San. Although it sounds like a code name, the powerful Tianshi will immediately notice the name, which is undoubtedly the real name.

And it's another person!

Zhong Yiming looked at the woman in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly. He couldn't see through her strength and had never heard of this woman. She simply appeared out of thin air, and then possessed Geng Ziying's body.

But that doesn't matter. The important thing is that this woman came here. Even if she destroyed his good deeds before and damaged his strength, his decades of strength was not in vain, and naturally he had his own cards.

Besides, he holds an ace in his hand, coupled with the fool Zhong Yifeng on the ground, which made him the best place to kill the woman here!

Zhong Yiming thought about it and raised his hand. In the palm of his hand, he clenched a clenuous and struggling black fog, which was wrapped in chains. The weak and painful scream came from inside, so that Geng San and others could see clearly.

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