Chapter 276-280

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Chapter 276: Whatever is burned will appear

Hearing this, Uncle Yang grabbed Yang Rui's mobile phone and stared at the direction of the earthbag. He looked shocked and angry. His fingertips holding the mobile phone were white, and his strength was so big that he almost crushed the mobile phone.

How dare these people treat his daughter like this!

That is the daughter they have spoiled and cared for for 20 years. She is their only child, and their daughter is also very sensible. She has known that she is suffering from illness since she was a child, but she does not abandon herself and complain. Instead, she is sensible and obedient and will think about their parents very early.

Don't worry or worry about them. On the contrary, children will take good care of their emotions and care about them everywhere in life.

Such a sensible child is their extremely precious treasure. Even if they are gone, they are parents, they still want to send her away and let her rest well.

If you have a chance in the afterlife, be their daughter again.

But no one expected that his precious daughter fell into this evil nest and was sacrificed by some ghost and god. Thinking that his daughter might cry to ask for help in her dream these nights.

His heart is cut like a knife!

Now, when he saw his daughter there like this, Uncle Yang's repressed anger was suddenly ignited, so he wanted to rush out to grab his daughter's ashes regardless of mind.

Even if he will be found and treated by the villagers of Fengle Village, he doesn't care. He can do anything for his daughter.

"Stop your second uncle and don't make him impulsive."

Yang Rui was angry. Naturally, he didn't pay attention to his second uncle's situation, but Pei Xiu noticed it and immediately asked Yang Rui to pay attention to his second uncle.

As soon as Yang Rui turned his head, he found that the second uncle was about to get up. He immediately pulled back his senses and quickly grabbed the second uncle. Despite his struggle, he firmly pressed him.

"Uncle, don't be impulsive. I understand your mood, but at this time, you can't rush out rashly, otherwise you will be found out. At that time, you can not only not take away Zi Yu's ashes, but you may also fall into their hands."

"We have a few people who can't beat so many people at all. If you have one, what if you let the second aunt do, you have to bring Ziyu's ashes back alive so that the family can be reunited."

Uncle Yang's struggling movements gradually slowed down, silent and suppressed, full of pain and despair, and Yang Rui's eyes flashed with tears.

"Think about it, the reason why Ziyu couldn't continue to dream for you and her second aunt is that she is afraid that you and your second aunt can't accept it. Once there is something, it's definitely not what she wants to see."

"Even if it's not because of Ziyu, you... At least think about the second aunt and grandparents. They are already in pain because they have lost their daughters and granddaughters. You can't do anything more.

Yang Rui's words fell. A few seconds later, Uncle Yang, who lay on the ground, looked down and couldn't see any face clearly, but everyone else next to him clearly heard the low crying and choking.

An old father, who is nearly 50 years old, is in pain for his daughter. His daughter may suffer unimaginable torture and injury in front of his eyes, and he will suffer a lot.

Yang Qi had already cried and jumped on Uncle Yang. Uncle Yang did not look up, but stretched out his arm and held his nephew and niece in his arms. Uncle Yang and nephew hugged each other like this, haunting an atmosphere of pain and despair.

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