Chapter 159-160

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Chapter 159: Why did you do this to us?

Looking at the list of artists implicated by Lehua's agent, all the scandals behind them were made public on the Internet, You Xier felt that it was a nightmare.

After the sudden collapse of concert equipment in Wanfujing, causing one death and three injuries, You Xier's unknown hunch was even stronger.

Sure enough, Geng Ziying's trailer actually appeared, and the identities of the four people were exposed, which was a black-hearted studio in the circle.

You Xier couldn't be familiar with this studio.

Because it was her who fabricated the black material that slandered Geng Ziying through this studio, she was bound to step on the Geng Ziying into the mud and never get up again!

Subconsciously, You Xier thought that the third goal was to point to her. She became more and more panicked, and she had nightmares. In a trance, she seemed to see a bloody and ferocious face staring at her desperately.

Accompanying was the horrible sharp female voice.

"You Xinxin, why did you hurt me? Aren't we good friends? Why--"

The next second, the second equally terrible face appeared, staring at her, and his words were equally sharp.

"You Xinxin, what have we provoked you? Why can you live well? Have you ever thought that we died so tragically? Are you stand with us?"

The third face appeared, but it was not bloody, but a full and terrible face. The facial features squeezed together, so hard on You Xier's face, and you could feel the sticky water drops falling.

It smells and cold.

"You Xier, it's so cold that you push me down the lake. Can you come with me..."

You Xier looked at several faces that appeared one after another, which were not familiar to her, and even had been deeply rooted in her heart for many years. How could she not remember them?

Because that's...

"Ah, get out of here, get out of here, don't come here."

You Xier suddenly opened her eyes, screamed sadly, retreated back crazily, and waved her hands, trying to knock off all these faces fiercely, but unexpectedly the other party made a fierce and strange ghost, and a large piece of black fog wrapped her body.

In an instant, she felt out of breath, and her whole body couldn't move. The large piece of black fog seemed to turn into a sharp blade and cut it over and over again on her skin, as if it were too late.

Even the whole person suddenly felt as if she had fallen into the water, surrounded by cold temperature, and large pieces of muddy water entered her eyes, nose and mouth.

Until it was poured into her lungs, intestines and stomach--

You Xier woke up screaming from the nightmare, sweating all over, and her pupils were violently earthquaked. The scene she saw in her dream seemed to reflect reality, and suddenly found that she was in severe pain.

He suddenly lifted the quilt and took off his clothes, but there were no scars, but there was a strange pain.

It's like being really cut by a knife all over the body...

For the next two days, You Xier found that she always slept inexplicably, and then saw the horrible faces that would never be forgotten in her dream. Facing their sharp soul questions, she was almost crazy.

Then, there was a cruel and terrible torture.

When you wake up, you are in severe pain all over. If it goes on like this, You Xier will feel schizophrenic!

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