Chapter 156-157

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Chapter 156: That's the double standard.

The silent interrogation room, which almost dropped below zero, instantly made Qiu Tianyu panicked and scared and shouted. The strangeness not only did no sound come from, but also formed a lot of echoes.

He returned back over and over again, magnifying his voice several times and becoming sharp and harsh. The rustling seemed to have added ghost sounds and a fine sobs.

Qiu Tianyu trembled with fear. His whole body leaned back crazily. However, there seemed to be something bound his action. He couldn't escape at all. He could only struggle fiercely with both hands and feet.

"Hee hee--"

A small voice suddenly sounded in Qiu Tianyu's ear, like a young voice from a baby, but it was malicious, and it also echoed in this space.

Suddenly, he became gloomy and weird, and immediately made Qiu Tianyu's eyes burst into bursting and screaming crazily.

Because not only the sound appeared, but also something appeared.

At the moment the sound appeared, Qiu Tianyu suddenly felt that his left shoulder was heavy, and something pinched his neck, precisely by holding his neck, and then a small thing appeared in front of him, with his big eyes to his little eye.

It's a baby!

At this time, the baby climbed on Qiu Tianyu's shoulder, holding his neck with two small arms. His whole face was close to Qiu Tianyu. His open eyes were bloody and black, drips.

His mouth grinned to the root of his ears, revealing his dark mouth inside. Qiu Tianyu, who was close to Chi Chi Chi, could almost smell a fishy smell from it, almost nauseous.

It was dark all over the sky, and the whole figure was not complete, but fell in seven and sevens and sevens, but the virtual connection.

There is still a long umbilical cord attached to the umbilical cord, which slowly bypasses Qiu Tianyu's neck and finally to his stomach, as if to regard this place as the place of the uterus.

Then, get in!

Qiu Tianyu's eyes burst out and howled like killing pigs. His whole stomach seemed to have life in it, as if he was bulging with the time of pregnancy.

Then, when he was pregnant in October, Qiu Tianyu suddenly felt the pain of tearing his hearts below, as if something had hit in and rushed to his place.

At that time, Qiu Tianyu felt the crazy struggle of something coming from his belly, making a sharp and harsh cry, and hit it suddenly, so that Qiu Tianyu didn't have to look at it, and also felt that his belly had protuberencies one by one.

"What the hell, get out of here--"

Qiu Tianyu shook his head crazily and wanted to throw off the face-to-face ghost baby in front of him. At the same time, his hands also moved and hit his stomach crazily, trying to drive the ghosts inside out of his body.

However, the ghost baby hugged him desperately, and the umbilical cord was also tightly connected to him. No matter how Qiu Tianyu got rid of the struggle, he failed to get it down. Instead, with punching his stomach, the strange things inside intensified their fierce activities, punching and kicking in it.

It's just like the scene where the children in it are eager to come out when an ordinary pregnant woman is about to give birth.

And in fact, it's true.

Qiu Tianyu looked at the whole bulging belly twisting crazily. There was no pain of the impact below, which was replaced by a feeling of shrinking. What's going to be opened below?

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