Chapter 126-130

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Chapter 126: is used to exchange interests for his son.

The atmosphere of the yard was extremely quiet, followed by a cold chill. Just one name made everyone in the yard see the old man's face change.

An old face trembled and stared at the calm Geng San. Obviously, the name deeply poked the old man's pain.

"Dong Chengmei, who is it?"

Pei Xiu couldn't help looking at Dong Liangping and took the lead in asking the questions in the hearts of the people present. Dong Liangping's pupils suddenly contracted, and then it was difficult to answer for a long time, "I mentioned it to you. I died of a high fever when I was only a teenager."

"Our... My sister-in-law."

Dong Tongtong was stunned. It was more than 30 years ago. Almost never heard of an aunt in their generation, let alone know her name.

How can it be? It's obviously Grandpa in front of you. How did it become that...


"It's not a high fever." Geng San finally opened his mouth and glanced at the gloomy old man. "It was said that he had a high fever, but it was just to cover up the cause of your death."

"From the face of Dong Chengyi and Dong Feili, the eyebrows are interrupted and have deep lines, and the depression is black, which represents the discord between brothers and sisters. Collapse and black means death disaster."

Dong Liangping and Dong Tongtong were stunned. What Geng San said about Dong Chengyi and Dong Feili were the second uncle and fourth uncle of the Dong family, but how did they mention them at this time?

The next second, Geng San's answer immediately made them pale!

"I'm afraid the cause of your death was not able to get rid of it from them."

Pei Xiu and Lin Yang, as well as Li Shishan and Zheng Ying, were also shocked. They immediately looked at the old man and saw the old man's gloomy face and suddenly sneered.

"You are not inferior to those Taoist priests and goddess. You are much more powerful than them, as can tell."

"Yes, I was killed by my good brothers!"

The old man looked at Dong Liangping gloomyly and said something extremely sharp and harshly, "In those years, the family was so poor that she couldn't open the pot. As soon as your mother got married, she took most of the food from the family, and all of them were taken to help your good grandma's house."

"So that the second brother and their marriage have not settled after that. Guess what they did."

Dong Liangping felt cold. It was not that he didn't know how much his mother was biased to his mother's family. He often took over the mother's family on weekdays, but his father was capable and made a lot of money, and his mother's behavior was acceptable to the extent.

It's just that sometimes they can't avoid quarrels. With their children's words, and when they grow up, they can distinguish between right and wrong, and they will severely scold their mothers.

Because of the death of his father and eldest sister, his mother was hit hard and was in poor health. He also had stomach problems for young people. He was busy with work. His sister had just entered junior high school and asked for money both inside and outside.

The mother's behavior has restrained a lot.

But now, when this matter was suddenly mentioned, Dong Liangping had a hunch in an instant, and his head was buzzing.

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