Chapter 013-014

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Chapter 013: Xu Yewei's Exclusive Suite

The deceased had a great status and had a huge social impact. Early in the morning, paparazzi and media reporters not only blocked the apartment community where Geng Ziying lived, but also at the gate of the Public Security Bureau and wanted to report the case.

All the members of the criminal investigation brigade came to the battle and urgently opened the investigation. After working overtime overnight by the forensic department, the investigation of the crime scene was found to be found.

"Season T. A small amount of sleeping pills were found in the deceased's body, but they were not enough to fall asleep, but they would reduce the deceased's vigilance. He did not struggle too much when he was assaulted by the prisoner. He hit his heart with a few knives and died on the spot. The time of death was between 8:30 and 9:00 last night."

"Five knives for the head, three knives for the heart, two knives for the abdomen, and four knives for the lower body. The key point has been cut off."

"There are traces of being cleaned up at the crime scene, few clues have been extracted, and a lot of water vapor remains in the bathroom. It is suspected that the prisoner deliberately used it to take a bath and wash away the blood stains after killing the deceased."

"Although the prisoners were cautious, there were almost no fingerprints in the place that could be reached in the whole bathroom, and hair could not be found at the sewer outlet, but the machine was used to extract the unrinse hair in the pipe. After DNA comparison, it was male, but not the deceased."

"In addition, the records of the deceased's mobile phone have been deleted by traces, and their data are being recovered, and there is still data. The appraisers are investigating their social relations one by one."

The team member will report the identification results to Ji Wen, and Ji Wen squinted, "Male? Check the room opened by Xu Yewei. Whoever had the previous guests would be excluded.

"Also, have you found Xu Yewei's police file?"

"I found it." At the case meeting, a team member in charge of this area immediately stood up and said, "There are three cases, Liunan Police Station, Xicheng Police Station and Yanjiao Police Station. Someone came to report the case of Xu Yewei xq."

"But within a few days, the victim suddenly said that he wanted to withdraw the case, saying that it was just a misunderstanding, and the police station would be over."

"You see, the third team, the records of all three cases are here."

Ji Wen's eyes were slightly moved and sharp. He took over the file and turned over. "Investigate these three cases, and then focus on Xu Yewei's social relationship. If the prisoner put such a cruel hand, he would investigate Xu Yewei's relationship between men and women."

"Continue to track the direction of the prisoner's escape, and report any clues immediately!"

"Yes!" The team members answered loudly.

"Where is Geng Ziying? Where was it last night?" Ji Wen finally mentioned Geng Ziying, and the team member immediately replied, "Team Xi, we checked Geng Ziying's action route last night and found unexpected circumstances."

"What's the situation?"

"Since the Internet exposed all kinds of black materials, Geng Ziying has not been out of the house for several days in a row. Just after posting Weibo at 6 o'clock last night, she came out of Lijing Apartment at 9:30 and took a taxi to the hospital."

"We called the hospital and found the doctor and nurse on duty last night. According to the doctor, a woman named Geng Ziying came to see a doctor. The cause was..."

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