Chapter 191-195

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Chapter 191: Song Shi Er Shao, that's my brother.

"You're right. You know how many pounds and taels you have. That fool doesn't know at all. With the second young master of the Song family, he acted recklessly, and you don't see whether the Song family's people and birds."

"I heard that he is the younger brother of the second young master of the Song family, but his father is a personal scum. It is the kindness of the Song family that the people who have scumen the Song family have not attracted revenge from the Song family for so many years."

"No, maybe their family can fall into such a fate, and there may be a shadow of the Song family behind it, but this fool still wants to climb Song's second young master with this ridiculous blood relationship, thinking that he can get some benefits in this way."

"It's better to make him rich and noble all his life and do whatever he wants."

"Laughing to death."

A woman snorted coldly and wiped lipstick on the mirror. What she said was extremely vicious and insulting, which surprised the other two people. Unexpectedly, she didn't expect that the identity of the stupid man would have this inside story.

At the same time, I amazed at the behavior of that stupid man. In order to climb the Song family, there is really no lower limit.

The two were still curious about what was going on. The woman also unreservedly said a lot of revelations, that is, the relationship between the stupid man and the second young master of the Song family, and what happened to the previous generation?

Unexpectedly, someone was listening quietly outside, and the sound of the boiling water did not attract the attention of the three women inside. They were really attracted all the attention of the old gossip, and they didn't hear the sound outside at all.

Of course, it also shows that the sound insulation here is not bad!

Geng San just listened for a moment, and his heart was calm. He lowered his head and cleaned it carefully. He shook the water drops in his hand. The hot wind dried up, and left quietly.

Walking out of the bathroom, the waiter waited outside. He was led back to the place just now. He saw Pei Xiubai sitting bored in the leisure area, and Yu Baiyan smiling and dealing with several strange men and women.

Give them signatures and group photos, and I want to know that they are their fans.

When Geng San came back, Yu Baiyan just smiled and sent away the happy fans. Pei Xiu also saw Geng San come back and planned to continue to the dining box with the waiter.

Unexpectedly, Geng San stopped, glanced at Yu Baiyan faintly, said something that made him puzzled, and then turned around and left.

"If you have something to do later, solve it yourself."

"What do you mean?"

Yu Baiyan was stunned for a moment and looked at Pei Xiu. Pei Xiu knew that once Geng San said such words, it would not be groundless, so he patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.

"Although I don't know what will happen later, it must have something to do with you. It's better to be psychologically prepared."

Yu Baiyan's eyes were deep, but he nodded and kept up with the waiter and Geng San in front of him.

But soon, Yu Baiyan knew what was going on.

Following the waiter through the landscape corridor, when he was about to turn, he heard a noise coming in front of him, accompanied by a vulgar voice and the waiter's good persuasion.

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