Chapter 121-125

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Chapter 121: She is not an affiliate

Subconsciously, Li Shishan took out her mobile phone and seemed to search for something from an angle that Dong Tongtong couldn't see.

When the answer came out, Li Shishan suddenly opened her eyes wide, her body trembled, and her mobile phone fell to the ground, which immediately attracted the eyes of Dong Tongtong and Zheng Ying.

"What's the matter, Shishan?"

Dong Tongtong said that he was going to pick up his mobile phone for Li Shishan, because the mobile phone fell to the ground and bounced up and directly on Dong Tongtong's side. As long as Dong Tongtong picked it up, he could see the content on the screen.

Li Shishan picked up her mobile phone in advance of Dong Tongtong and smiled reluctantly at the two people who were unidentified. "No, it's okay. Someone came to me on WeChat just now."

"That's it." The two didn't pay too much attention to it. Li Shishan quickly quit the mobile phone page and put it up. If there was nothing wrong with her face, her heart was numb.

No way...

Finally, after 8 p.m., the people who should leave had gone, and the yard had sorted up a lot of things one after another, and had dinner. Now the Dong family is only left.

And Geng San and four of them.

The second uncle of the Dong family can see that the later Geng San and Pei Xiu's identities are not simple. After all, the temperament is there. At first glance, they are not from an ordinary family background. He was still a little confused, but Dong Liangping said that Pei Xiu was his college classmate. He accidentally came here to do business and knew that his family was here.

I came by the way.

Geng San is Pei Xiu's friend.

Uncle Dong's family automatically understood the word "girlfriend", so there was no doubt about it. Even because it was too late to find a place for them to live, he was interrupted by Dong Liangping and said that he would arrange it.

The second uncle of the Dong family nodded and left without saying anything.

"Third cousin, won't you go home?" Dong Tongtong looked at Dong Liangping. His eldest aunt was still waiting for him to go home, and his little cousin was coming back this weekend.

"Your aunt went to school to pick up your little cousin. She went to her grandma's house. I'll stay with you." Dong Liangping's mother is really afraid of the affairs of the Dong family. She has lost her husband and eldest daughter, and she can't watch her youngest daughter who has just entered junior high school also have an accident.

It was because after I came to help Dong Ranran's funeral yesterday, I picked up my little daughter from school in the evening and took her directly to grandma's house. I didn't want her to see another sister die.

That is to say, in fact, Dong Liangping's sister did not know about Dong Ranran's death.

"Three cousin..." Dong Tongtong looks complicated and can make the third cousin say such a thing. Sure enough, what will happen tonight is very serious.

Maybe she will die!

Dong Liangping rubbed her head, turned around and looked at Geng San, asking if he wanted to open Dong Tongtong's mother. He didn't know what would happen at night. He was afraid that Dong's mother would also have problems.

"No, she is not an associate."

Dong Liangping's heart sank and nodded to say that he knew it, but just in case, he went to talk to Dong Tongtong's second aunt to see if he could bring Dong's mother back to her mother's house for a few days.

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