Chapter 096-100

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Chapter 096: Help Call

When Pei Xiu heard this sentence, he thought that he was almost innocent, but when he glanced at Geng San's indifferent look, he couldn't wait to slap himself.

It's so dirty. How can you think of yourself like this?

How could she fall into her eyes!

With that man, how can Geng San still like other men? Thinking of this, he doesn't mean it.

Pei Xiu was very mouthful of Geng San's words, but when he turned around, he immediately became energetic, "What, what's the matter tonight? Say it in advance so that I'm ready."

What answered him was Geng San's closed eyes and nourished his mind. His whole body relaxed and leaned on the seat. Obviously, he didn't plan to answer.


Sending Geng San back to the villa, Pei Xiu thought about it. It was still early to see if it was too early. He decided to find a place to sleep first. Who knows what will happen tonight? It's better to cheer up during this period.

Geng San, once in the villa, was silently followed by the kidnacle, that is, the son of the second master Zuo family, who was kidnapped by Zuo Zhan secretly, was only five years old.

At that time, someone was found to call the police by the kidnappers and became a pile of corpses.

Geng San followed wherever he went. The ghost power on his body was given by Geng San. He stitched his body together, and his muddle-headed look finally had a little wisdom. Although he had not fully recovered, he would also have the instinct to know good and evil.

Know who saved him.

The ghost power given by Geng San is naturally obtained from the fierce ghost of the Yin family. Geng San's way is so wild. The ghost power will not cause harm to her. It can be freely used, either directly requested or given directly.

Now the kid lay obediently on her lap and motionless. Although he followed her, he would know that he would not bother her. Geng San stroked the kid's head gently and didn't mind.

Geng San is impatient to deal with people, and so is ghosts. Ghosts evolved from people. If it is easy to lose reason and turn into fierce ghosts, it is another matter for a rational ghost.

Those who can get close to Geng San are the simplest child in their mind. Yes, yes, no, what you say and do is the most straightforward expressions of children, and you won't be tired when touching it.

Of course, naughty children are by no means within range.

Similarly, the same is true for ghost children!

In this way, Geng San unexpectedly thought of Shao Ya, the ghost baby who bent down on her, and Qiu Tianyu, who sneaked with her in private!

Counting the time, it's time for an accident.

Geng Sanman casually took his mobile phone and clicked on Weibo, wrote a line of text at will, and then clicked the regular release as soon as his hands slipped.

The first five words of Weibo content are suddenly reflected on the mobile phone screen.

[The fourth goal--】

At 10 p.m., Pei Xiu yawned and wiped his physiological tears. The members of the team turned to him in surprise, "Boss, what's the matter? I dozed off at only a few times. Didn't I just fall asleep in the afternoon."

Pei Xiu founded the club and set up a team. He pretended to be a game enthusiast and stayed up late to play games, but after pushing the team to the peak of glory, his attention turned to other fields.

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