Chapter 111-115

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Chapter 111: Wake Up

Before Dong Tongtong said anything, Geng San directly stretched out her hand and handed it to her. Dong Tongtong subconsciously stretched out her hand and was held by Geng San. The temperature touched, which made her tremble.

The extremely beautiful woman in front of her hand is unexpectedly cold, but she has a cool and warm feeling, which is very comfortable, and the pain in the place she touches has been greatly reduced.

The next second, there was really something invisible into her hand and spread to her limbs. Dong Tongtong opened her eyes wide and looked at Geng San in astonishment.

In just half a minute, Geng San withdrew his hand, and Dong Tongtong was surprised to find that he could move, and her whole body was much more soothing and not so uncomfortable.

"Thank you, thank you."

Although she was about the same age, Dong Tongtong subconsciously used respectful words. Of course, she also felt that Geng San was a little familiar, but she finally returned it and didn't recognize who it.

It is also normal. The Dong family has changed frequently in recent years, which has made all the Dong family exhausted. Dong Tongtong used her spare time to work while going to college in the capital and tried her best to save money.

The purpose is to take root in the capital after graduation, and then wait until my sister Dong Ranran finishes the college entrance examination, is admitted to the university in the capital, and pick up her mother to live together.

Be sure to stay away from Dong's house.

Because of this, Dong Tongtong basically has no free time, let alone pay attention to the messy things in the entertainment industry.

But Dong Ranran is gone!

After Dong Tongtong was stunned, she suddenly remembered his mother, quickly said apology, and rushed out of the room to see his mother's condition.

Because of the ghost realm, the lights on the aisle on the second floor also lit up, and there was no dark and horrible atmosphere. Dong Tongtong rushed into her sister's room and saw her mother waking up and had already sat up.

Looking at the eldest daughter in a mess, although she was in pain because another child was gone, Dong's mother still instinctively got out of bed and asked anxiously, "Tongtong, what's wrong with you? Come and let mom see."


Dong Tongtong cried in an instant and rushed up and hugged his mother. "Mom, as long as you're okay."

Li Shishan and Zheng Ying stood at the door of the room and looked sad. At this time, Aunt Dong Tongtong, who was woken up by the movement outside, quickly came out to check the situation. Is her eldest sister sad again?

As soon as she left the door, she was stunned. Looking at the three strange men and women who suddenly came out of the Dong family, she asked cautiously.

"Who are you, Tongtong's friends?"

After a glance, it was only six o'clock in the morning, which was too early. The funeral of the Dong family didn't start until seven o'clock today.

Except for the more ordinary young man, the man and the woman are both handsome men and women. The clothes and accessories on her body are expensive at a glance, which still makes her child quarrel all day long for big brands, so that she knows something a little.

And... This man and a woman has a good temperament at first glance. He is definitely from a rich family. How does Tongtong know these friends?

Dong Tongtong suddenly woke up when she heard the voice from the outside. She quickly wiped her tears and took Dong's mother out, "No, I'm sorry, they, they are..."

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