Chapter 085

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Chapter 085: Don't want to die, don't go back

"I don't care about this kind of thing. If it's solved." What Geng San said made Pei Xiu's eyes bright and cheerful. He said a lot of good words, so he almost hugged his thigh.

Geng San didn't pay attention to this problem of solving the problem of borrowing luck and changing his life. There were many ways to solve it. In his previous life, he also easily broke the other party's means. Not to mention that the victim was devoured, the evil way also directly spit blood, and his strength suddenly fell by half.

I wanted to take revenge, but when I knew who the person my brother was looking for, I immediately retreated.

In Tianshi Circle, who doesn't know the name of Geng San Ghost Master? If you don't play cards according to common sense, it is far darker and more poisonous than their evil way. If you punch it, the fierce ghost will be beaten to beg for mercy, and the most unbeaten is that the soul will be scattered.

Moreover, she has a very bad temperament and ferocious temperament. She does things casually with her preferences and has no good face to people. She doesn't pay attention to the rules of the celestial circle, let alone abide by the rules of mathematical numerology, and is not afraid of the consequences of five disadvantages and three shortcomings. If she doesn't like her eyes, she will start directly.

After doing so many things, it's really because God has been slow to take action against her. Of course, it may also be because what she does is basically inclined to the victim. Whether the other party is a person or a ghost, it's not a beating to provoking her.

The kind of frustrated with ashes.

In the end, at the critical moment of the survival of the world, it was she who stood up, destroyed thousands of evil spirits, and slapped the circle of heaven!

Geng San smiled at the corners of his lips, which made Pei Xiu tremble subconsciously. He only known Geng San for a few days, but he almost figured out her nature. Either he was indifferent or amplified move as soon as he came up.

The matter of the Pei family just now did not make Geng San fluctuate at all. It can be seen that this may be a small matter in her eyes, but at this time, she suddenly showed this expression.

Is it because of him, or Qi Qi Qichu?!

That's not right. Geng Sangang said that there was no problem with him. Just solve it. That's not his business.

Well, that's nothing else!

"Go back and sue your father. After breaking the array of the Pei family, find the first-class jade jade jade, or the Buddha card that has been opened light to take it with you to get rid of the impact of the array."

Pei corrected his face, nodded seriously, agreed, and then thought about it and asked tentatively.

"Since Geng San is going to break the battle, do you need that rune paper, chicken blood, cinnabar or something? Let's talk about how to burn incense and open the altar? Just say, we are all ready for you."

Pei Xiu's eyes are bright, and obviously really interested in this thing. Isn't TV series and movies usually played like this? I heard from other children from rich families that the masters they invited usually bring magic tools or have complex rituals.

Geng San smiled and hooked his finger at him, and Pei Xiu immediately turned over.

Then I got a word.

"Get out!"

Since there was nothing to say, he was ready to leave, but when he left the restaurant, Geng San seemed to feel something and casually looked at the three girls waiting for the traffic lights across the road.

To be precise, it was the girl in the middle. Her face was haggard and thin. She felt that a gust of wind could blow down. There was a suitcase next to her, which was obviously going to catch a train or plane.

The other two girls were helping her worriedly.

The girl was shrouded in black fog and constantly extracted the vitality from her body. After that, the black fog floated to the southeast and could not see it in the high-altitude clouds.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Geng San stop in place and staring in one direction, Song Rong and Pei Xiu also stopped and looked at her sight.

"Go and tell her a word." Geng Sanyi opened his mouth to call Pei Xiu.


"If you don't want to die, don't go back."


Unsurprisingly, when Pei Xiu really walked to the three girls and said Geng San to the middle girl, he attracted the surprised eyes of the girl in the middle, and the other two girls looked at him like looking at him like a psychopath.

At that time, Pei Xiu felt ashamed to death and couldn't wait to escape.

Unexpectedly, I really listened to Geng San's words. It was something wrong to say this. Although I knew that Geng San's words were definitely not groundless, when I was really in the position of the parties, I finally realized what others felt like to look at him as a liar.

Yes, it's like Geng Ziying issued the first 'death warning' on Weibo, which caused a great uproar. I don't know how many netizens are scolding feudal superstitions, saying that she was a liars and threatened to report her.

He also cursed Geng Ziying's family for not dying.

"You... Why do you say that? You are..." Dong Tongtong looked at the man in front of him and remembered what he had just said. There was a trace of uneasiness and panic in his heart. In the dark, he felt that, as he said, something might really happen when he went back.

His face turned pale, so he subconsciously wanted to ask.

However, her friend was so hot that he couldn't help scolding, "Who are you? What do you mean to curse others as soon as you come up? Do you know how much something happened in her family and she is about to rush back. Get out of the way. Do you have any quality? Don't force us to call the police."

"Tongtong, let's go. If you don't leave, you won't catch up with the high-speed rail."

Dong Tongtong opened her mouth and felt that it could not be delayed here anymore. So he nodded to Pei Xiu and wanted to bypass him.

"Wait, you..." Pei Xiu stopped them from going there. After talking for a while, he remembered something and took out his mobile phone. "You are like this, I don't mean anything else. I'll leave my phone to you. If something happens when you go back, you can call me."

"Don't worry, I promise I don't have any attempt."

"Hey you..." My friend was even more angry, so Dong Tongtong shook their tight hands and pouted angrily and didn't say anything.

Dong Tongtong looked at Pei Xiu's mobile phone, which was a string of phone numbers he wrote when he opened the information box, and then looked up at Pei Xiu's serious face. After he hesitated again and again, he took out his mobile phone, and there was no time to record it.

Instead, I took a picture.

Withdrawing her mobile phone, Dong Tongtong looked at Pei Xiu complicatedly. The other party did not ask for her phone number directly, but gave her phone number so that she could call or not. The other party did not have her phone number, and she could not be contacted.

Although she also wondered whether this man had investigated her and deliberately approached her, she was just an ordinary girl with an ordinary family, but the other party was handsome, and her clothes were even more famous, obviously a rich child.

No matter how you look at it, you won't have an intersection with her.

The two sides separated, and Dong Tongtong and others rushed to the high-speed railway station. Subconsciously, Dong Tongtong turned around and saw the man just now running in one direction, where there was a man and a woman.

The man didn't pay attention. Her eyes were all on the woman. She saw that the woman's eyes were also cast. With a faint look, Dong Tongtong's body shook. Her haggard and tired spirit suddenly seemed to have been injected with excitement, which instantly became much clearer.

How... What's the matter?!

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