Chapter 036-040

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Chapter 036: Come to you for responsibility

From the first side, Geng San saw that the purple qi on the man's body was as strong as the sky, and the yang qi was golden. He was a lucky person. Standing beside him, Geng San felt comfortable.

The headache caused by soul damage for many years also feels greatly relieved at this moment and relieved a lot.


Geng San stared at Song Rong, but he didn't expect that he was the dog that night, but the bond with this body, that is, the real Geng Ziying, was weak and broken.

"Oh, why do you think I'm in danger?" Geng Sanqi's lips looked careless, but his eyes were shining brightly asking him why he appeared here and what the purpose was.

Song Rong was so keen that he couldn't see her eyes and answered calmly.

"I just felt that there was danger in the house, so I couldn't hurt you, but after touching you, you can blurredly see that there was a dark shadow in the house. According to your reaction and dialogue, that's the so-called ghost."

"As for me being here, there is only one reason."

"I'll come to you for your responsibility!"

As soon as he said this, they immediately shocked Yu Baiyan and Pei Xiu's family, and his eyes almost jumped out. Yu Baiyan hugged Song Rong's arm, and his voice trembled with pitifully.

"Cousin, cousin, what are you talking about? Are you playing with people? When did you know Geng Ziying?"

"Why didn't you sue me last night?"

Yu Baiyan really can't help thinking about it. His cousin is just a monk. It's not that he is not interested in women, but that he is clean and always keeps a distance from women.

Because the older generation died prematurely, Song Rong had already carried the Song family, devoted himself to work, accompanied by financial news, and took care of his grandmother, that is, his grandmother. There was nothing else.

As a result, he could hear the word responsibility from such a big monk. Don't mention it.

Besides, the banquet attended by Song Rong was a serious occasion for talking about things. Even if there were actresses present, to be honest, it was not a fifth-tier flower eligible to enter.

The intersection is very small.

If there is an opportunity to intersect, the only thing is... Yu Baiyan, who was used to dark calculations in the entertainment industry, then looked at Geng San strangely.

After all, Lehua's reputation is there.

Song Rong ignored the two people who fossilized into statues. He stared at Geng San without blinking. Geng San raised his eyebrows and approached Song Rong's direction, as if he were smiling.

"Speak it clearly who is responsible for whom."

If it was because of that night, Song Rong was only responsible for Geng Ziying, that is, unilateral compensation, it would be calculated as soon as possible. She was not interested.

But if Song Rong is in charge of her and indicates that she is responsible for him, it is a little interesting. Even if her current physical identity is very influential, it will never change the fact that she is absolutely in the top position.

A touch of examination flashed in Song Rong's eyes and looked closely at Geng San. His face and identity were indeed the same person, which was almost the same as the data, but Song Rong had a feeling that the person in front of him really did not match the information.

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