Chapter 116-120

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Chapter 116: There is no small tumor at all.

The third cousin is the son of Uncle Dong Tongtong. He is four years older than her and works in town. Yesterday, he couldn't get out of his work during the day and came back overnight at night.

"Just find you here. Are these all your friends?" The third cousin came over and heard from his second aunt that Dong Tongtong brought back two friends. Three more friends came this morning, so he came to see the situation.

As soon as he approached, before he could see clearly what Dong Tongtong's friends looked like, he found that Dong Tongtong's eyes were red and swollen. "What's the matter?"

Dong Tongtong shook her head and pulled out a smile with difficulty. "It's okay. Just come back."

The third cousin sighed and touched her head. Then he turned his head and looked at the five people in front of him. He immediately frowned and looked at it carefully for a while, and his eyes widened.

"You are... That Pei Xiu."

"Hi!" Pei Xiu knew his reputation on the Internet and said generously, so he was blocked by his third cousin.

"Hey, hi, I'm in the same school as you in college, and I'm in the same class as you. Your name is well known in our class."

"Is that so?" Pei Xiu was interested. Unexpectedly, Dong Tongtong's third cousin was still an alumnus relationship with him. He asked warmly and knew that the other party had returned to his hometown to take care of his mother and sister after graduating from college. At present, he works in the town's government department.

The reason why the third cousin knows Pei Xiu is not only because he is an alumnus relationship, but also because Pei Xiu was real in college and concealed his identity. The popularity is particularly good. Not to mention the same major, he is also getting along with people in other majors.

He is still from the student union. He is also cheerful and heroic. He often helps others solve difficulties. Basically, students of the same class know him.

After graduation, Pei Xiu began to start a business and set out his own world in just a few years. It was also at this time that they knew that Pei Xiu had such a deep identity background.

After saying hello, the third cousin finally asked Pei Xiu why he came here. Dong Tongtong was silent for a moment and finally couldn't help talking about what happened in the middle of the night.

The third cousin was shocked to hear this and couldn't help preaching, "Why don't you tell me about such a big thing? What if something really happens?"

In their generation, there are only three cousins left, the other male, mainly listening to his opinions when they do.

"I'm sorry." Dong Tongtong lowered his head.

Then the third cousin turned his head and looked at Pei Xiu, focusing on Geng San. "Thank you very much. If you don't come, I may lose another sister."

With that, the third cousin stood up directly and bowed to Geng San without taboo. He did not despise Geng San because of his youth and beauty.

Geng San faintly nodded, and the third cousin sat down, "You have to hear what happened before the Dong family died, right? In addition to Tongtong said that my family died three dogs, in fact, other things happened."

"Before my father died, there was an abnormal situation, and it was suddenly impossible to wake up in the morning. We thought it was too tired to work the day before, so we didn't think much. Anyway, I woke up at noon."

"This has happened several times. Every time my father wakes up, he is a little insane and always feels very tired."

The third cousin looked solemn and paused. Finally, he said something that he had figured out so far. "In fact, this is not the point. My father had a physical examination before his death and found a small tumor."

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