Chapter 091-095

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Chapter 091: Pei Jincheng's Daughter

Pei Xiu's face turned green, but fortunately, he remained rational at the last critical moment. He didn't throw anything out directly, but his face was extremely wonderful, pinched his nose and vomited dryly.

This smell is almost as good as the canned herring.

"What is this?"

Pei Jinyi frowned and immediately looked at the old housekeeper. The other party immediately realized it and went in to get a mask. This thing looked strange and smelled even more smelly. Just in case, he should protect yourself first.

"Pour out and have a look."

Hearing Geng San's words, Pei Xiuqiang squatted down with the taste and shook out the contents with the bottom of the bag. Fortunately, the eldest brother was still fraternal to him. Come and came and checked.

The stuff poured out was piecemeal and dark, but when the two of them saw clearly what it was, their faces were always blue.

"This is... Nail hair, and what is this? It looks like burned paper, and I can't see what's on it. Pei Xuan took the lead in opening his mouth.

"It's the eight-character's birthday." Geng San's light answer made their faces more ugly.

Next, Geng San took the three generations of the Pei family and the old housekeeper who came out with masks to the courtyard behind the old house. There are other halls and small sports fields, not far away from facing the towering peaks.

In the fountain pool there, Pei Xuan asked Pei Xiu to slow down and personally went to play and took out the same black waterproof bag in the same position.

Sure enough, as soon as it is opened, there is a stench.

Next, two were found under the two unicorn statues on both sides of the old house, and the fifth was found in the study on the third floor of the old house.

That is, on the bookshelf next to the bell of blessings!

And it is also a porcelain bottle, because it is used for flower arrangement and appreciation. Naturally, it is not an antique. No one takes it down and watches it.

The waterproof bag is inside.

The cleaning of the study is once a month. In addition, the porcelain bottle has a pointed bottom, round abdomen and a thin neck. The waterproof bag cannot be stuffed out. Even the flowers and plants used for decoration are glass products, and there is no need to be replaced. Just wipe the appearance.

Therefore, when you find the fifth waterproof bag, it is ended with breaking the porcelain bottle!

However, this is not the point. Geng San looked at the bells that had been taken off the bookshelf, about the size of a palm, with a golden bronze appearance and exquisite patterns carved on it. He is indeed an Antarctic fairy.

There are a few lines of text below it, but they are as small as ants. Anyone who gets it will think that this text describes the artistic conception of the Antarctic fairy, so they ignore it.

Now, next to the bell, there are nine bracelets. Eight of Pei Jinyi's family and the second master Pei Jin'an's family are all here, and the other one is worn by Mr. Pei.

Unlike everyone else, Mr. Pei wears a bracelet that is red sandalwood Buddha beads!

Here, there is only one from Pei Jincheng's family. If you think about it, you know that it's impossible!

Seeing Geng San holding the bell in his hand, Pei Xiu was angrily. Regarding the bell and bracelet, they asked their second uncle and daughter in private. Sure enough, it was not made by the child, but given it to her by a thoughtful person, saying it was a gift for Grandpa and them.

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