Chapter 281-285

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Chapter 281: Lord She Yin

The surrounding villagers questioned severely one after another, and Pei Xiu and Yang Rui took the brunt. Naturally, they sneered and answered them, but they did not answer all the questions.

"How did we get in? Naturally, let's get in. Duan Dong just kindly took us a journey. This has nothing to do with him."

"All of us are here. If you are not worried, you can search again. Didn't you say that this is the territory of your Fengle Village? Then you should know what can hide people around you."

"If you can find half of them, you will be awesome!"

The villagers turned black and wanted to swear when they were about to swear, they heard Yang Rui continue to speak. With cold and angry questions, they immediately changed their faces.

"You ask us why we are here. This is really a good question. What good things have you done in Fengle Village?"

"You, are you..."

The villagers were shocked and afraid, and their faces were unbelievable, and they dared not imagine the identity and intention of the group in front of them. At this time, the village head's voice interrupted them.

"It turned out to be you. It seems that you came here for that girl. I didn't expect you to find it here. It seems that one of you has some ability."

The village head glanced at the five people in front of him compassionately, looked at them one by one, and finally stopped on Uncle Yang, who looked serious and sharply, flashed in his eyes.

"Look at your face. The Yin line of the children's palace has been damaged, and he left his hometown after death. So that's it. You have a father-daughter relationship with that girl."

"But I didn't notice any strange breath fluctuations in you, that is to say, you are not a capable person, but you ruined the gift sent the night before and can still find it here."

"It seems that there are other people who can do it."

The village head directly ignored Uncle Yang and looked at the other four young men and women. His eyes were like fierce and cruel snake eyes, staring at them straight, as if to see through them.

Immediately let them react. Yang Qi couldn't stand it first. She was cold all over and hid behind Geng San in fear. Pei Xiu felt creepy and had goose bumps all over his body.

Yang Rui was angry and not afraid of the village head's gloomy sight. Instead, he stared back more strongly. With this, coupled with his face, it was easy to see that the man was related to the middle-aged man next to him.

That is, the girl's relative. Same way, so is the frightened little girl.


The village head finally turned his eyes to the last person, Geng San, and found that Geng San's expression was calm, even extremely indifferent, which was already indifferent.

There is neither the position and mentality of the party involved in the incident, nor the indignation and sympathy of the bystanders. Standing there so simply, it is like being indifferent outside the matter.

I just watch the development of a thing and don't care about the processes from beginning to end, or...

I have already expected what will be going on, so I don't have any emotions!

"It's you!"

The village head stared straight at Geng San, and his eyes were dark and gloomy. In her, he actually felt a terrible fear. Obviously, he looked just a little girl in her early twenties.

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