Chapter 231-235

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Chapter 231: Check the Truth of the Year

At that time, he also confessed to his sister, which caused a lot of sensation. Many girls were envious and jealous. They said that Chen Xiangchen's family was in excellent condition. There were several houses in the family. My father was a big business, and his mother also had a decent job in state-owned enterprises.

It is said that just waiting for graduation, the Chen family will send Chen Xiangchen to study abroad, and when they come back, they can take over his father's class!

He heard that the Chen family was so good that he had been brightened and wanted to encourage his sister to be with Chen Xiangchen. In that case, wouldn't he have a big money-in-law in the future, and he would have no worries about eating and drinking.

But I also wanted his sister to be dedicated to her studies. She must not be in the heart to fall in love, so he ran home and told his father about the matter and asked his father to persuade her sister.

Be sure to catch Chen Xiangchen's heart!

Unexpectedly, it was this whistleblower that brought disaster to his sister!

He still clearly remembers that when his sister came home from school, she was broken in the head by the ashtray thrown by his father. His sister fell to the ground, and then he was severely beaten by his father.

"You bitch, do you deserve other people's son? I don't want to see how many pounds you weigh. You just want to be stabbed. Your mother said as soon as possible. I asked someone bought you."

A series of insulting swear words in his father's mouth beat his sister to bruises all over his body and fractured many times. It was not until his sister cried and dared not delusional on Chen Xiangchen that his father stopped.

After that, his sister didn't get out of bed for a whole month and almost died!

At that time, he couldn't understand that it was his father who said at the beginning that he would not let his sister go to high school but to get married in exchange for a high dowry. If his grandmother hadn't come out and said that she would have some education to get married, his father would have let go.

I didn't expect to encounter such a good wronged head as soon as I entered school. If I don't seize this opportunity, I will miss it. How come to end up, his father disagreed?

It turns out that...

Geng Honghui was in a trance and looked at Geng's father in a daze, "Dad, she... Is what my sister said true? That Chen Xiangchen is really me..."

"Shut up. You can also believe this cheap seed. Chen Xiangchen is not Chen Xiangchen's. Your sister is my seed." Geng's father looked pale and cursed angrily.

"But..." Geng Honghui couldn't forget the matter of his freshman year of high school, just because Chen Xiangchen, his father beat his sister half to death and said that she was not worthy of Chen Xiangchen, and was not allowed to delay his future or harass him.

He also clearly remembered that when his grandparents came back, they heard the name Chen Xiangchen, and his face immediately became horrible and ugly, forcing his sister not to have any thoughts about Chen Xiangchen.

Otherwise, you will kill her alive!

What kind of person can let his father say such words such as not delaying the future of the other party and not to harass him!

This is not in line with his father's usual nature...

He was stunned by the horror of his father's outling, and also shocked by his sister's bloody scene. He felt that Chen Xiangchen could not mention taboos, so he really didn't ask.

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