Chapter 131-135

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Chapter 131: A pile of white bones

As Dong Chengmei's voice fell, her whole body fell to the ground with a bang, which scared Pei Xiu and others, and almost jumped up, "What's wrong?"

A ghost floated out of the body, and the blood was soaring to the sky. The bloody smell of killing suddenly spread, and suddenly made a group of ghosts in the whole yard lay on the ground.

The living people also felt a bad feeling a fishy smell rushing into their noses in an instant, making their stomachs upside down, and quickly covered their mouths and noses and almost vomited out.

Obviously, it was cold enough to be in the ghost realm. As a result, as soon as the blood-red ghost appeared, the whole yard suddenly fell to a terrible temperature, which instantly made people feel as if they were in the ice cellar.

At another glance, the body that fell to the ground, the flesh and blood on it roted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was black and smelly, directly revealing the white bones.

In an instant, the whole body turned into a pile of white bones.

This horrible scene made the girls scream in horror and tremble together. I'm afraid today's events will become their lifelong nightmare.

Lin Yang didn't care whether he was offended or not. He directly played beside Pei Xiu. Originally, the eight characters were dark, and he was also stained with some yin gas because he had been to the grave.

It's much easier to feel the impact of things in the underworld than ordinary people. The whole big man is close to Pei Xiu, and he is not ashamed. Anyway, somehow, he feels that Pei Xiu has a sense of security and can be a little warmer.

In fact, Geng Sanyuan is far more secure than Pei Xiu, but it's a pity that Lin Yang doesn't have the courage.

After the ghost floated out, she looked like a teenage girl, but now her face is full of blood stains, and blood is constantly emerging from many parts of her body. Her hands are twisted violently, and sharp nails are constantly growing.

My legs were even more crooked, and my eyes were full of blood redness and hatred.

In her hand, she pulled a ball and couldn't see what it was, but according to the outline, she could barely gather the dark lacquer things in the human shape. For a moment, everyone and the ghosts reacted.

This is the ghost of Dong's grandfather, but he was imprisoned for too long and his mind dissipated.

As soon as Dong Chengmei let go, the ghosts floated softly to one side and floated around without any mind. This terrible but miserable scene instantly tightened the Dong family and the ghost's heart.

For five years, Dong's grandfather was imprisoned in the hands of Dong Chengmei until he became so tragic. He really wanted to say something, but when he thought about the cause of Dong Chengmei's death, who caused it?

In addition, Dong Chengmei has hated them for 30 years. This resentment and the length of time are not what they are qualified to say.

Geng San moved and walked towards Dong Chengmei's ghost. Dong Chengmei's face was horrible. She stared at Geng San and couldn't help but say hoarsely and sharply, "Do what you say."


When he raised his hand, Geng Shushu suddenly lit up a layer of light, but in an instant, he gathered at Dong Chengmei's hand. The white light was mixed with a little purple gold light, bringing strong shock waves after circle after round.

At that time, Dong Chengmei's ghost screamed sadly, and then, the Dong ghost in the whole yard also screamed. He was hurt by the spreading shock wave. The ghost spirit on her body was sharply reduced, and most of it was lost in an instant.

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