Chapter 246-250

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Chapter 246: Nightmare

After staying up late until dawn, Yang Rui told his parents who had come back from grandma's house about his dream and his sister. Because of his cousin's death, his grandparents, who had always loved her, also fell ill, and his parents went to take care of him.

And he had to go to work, and his sister was only a sophomore in high school, so she didn't follow him.

At that time, his parents heard about their dreams, sighed and shook their heads to say how possible. His cousin had been cremated and buried for a long time. She was all ashes. How could they ask someone for help?

It's just that they didn't want to give up their cousins to be there, so they dreamed of their cousins. After all, they have a good relationship, and their sister is as good as their cousins as their compatriots and sisters. He also treats as his sisters.

Besides, even if my cousin really wants to find someone for help, she should find her parents.

As soon as this said this, Yang Rui was speechless and felt that he really thought too much, but that night, he actually dreamed of his cousin again.

The dream cousin stretched out her hand to him with desperate crying. Her whole body was blurred, but she seemed to feel that there was a terrible red line lingering her tightly, dragging her into the darkness behind her.

In the dark, there seemed to be a malicious forest laughter, which was sharp and harsh.

Yang Rui suddenly woke up. The next second, there was a panic shout from his sister's room. He got out of bed in a panic and rushed into his sister's room. He saw his sister closing her eyes, but her hands were waving upwards, and his whole body trembled violently, as if he were trying to grab something.

"Sister, sister, don't go!"


When the parents heard the sound, they were also anxious to see this. They quickly went to bed and hugged her daughter. After tossed it, Yang Qi soon woke up with tears on her face. When she saw her mother, she cried loudly. As she cried, she said that she dreamed of her cousin again.

She said that her cousin was worse than last night. Her whole body was wrapped in the red thread and dragged behind her, and she blurredly saw that in the dark, a thin man smiled and stared at her cousin greedily.

Drag your cousin over...

The parents hugged their daughter in distress and comforted her. Even they were all nightmares. It was not true. Yang Rui's heart kept sinking and cold all over. When he woke up from a dream, he heard his cousin's last words.

There are still four days left...

The family of four slept in their sister's room all night. The mother and daughter slept in bed, and the father and son lay on the ground to avoid Yang Qi having nightmares again. However, because she was so tired, she had to go to school the next day and went to bed in a poor spirit.

I didn't dream of my cousin anymore.

However, Yang Rui slept all night. The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became. His eyebrows frowned. When it was dawn, he thought that Pei Xiu should wake up at this time, so he called.

Because time was tight, although he didn't know what would happen in four days, Yang Rui instinctively felt that she was afraid that it was not a good thing, and there was no time to find someone who could solve this problem.

Thinking that Pei Xiu is a son of a rich family, he should know everyone. Even if he can't come to see the situation, just give him some questions on the phone.

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