Chapter 151-155

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Chapter 151: She's End

"What..." Ji Wen's expression was frozen, and he reacted in an instant. He immediately gloomed down and couldn't say complex emotions, "Really? You can come here. What do you have to teach you?"

"It's really a big noise this morning. It's up to her. We are busy here, and we can't get many people. We have to take care of the case of broken children chasing stars and harming people."

"I really have that ability, but I have the ability to delay this thing for a few days. Why do you prefer to send it today?"

Ji Wen sneered. Although he had received Geng San's warning before, he didn't pay attention to it. Who would have thought that he would go to Donghu County, east of the city yesterday to investigate the gang, but he met the member of the group he had been pursuing.

Partialism is still a familiar face that he will never forget.

Because his body is stained with the blood of his two precious comrades-in-arms!

At that time, the other party may also recognize him and move on the spot!

In order to ensure the safety of the people nearby, not to say, the members of the anti-drug brigade who cooperated with the operation were also injured and had to retreat. As soon as they went back for treatment, they immediately returned to the criminal investigation brigade for deployment.

Be sure to sash them all before they transfer their strongholds, and then find out what they intend to come to China.

What's going further?

Ji Wen's face was very dark. No matter what happened to him, Song Rong came to him at this time. He waited for his boss to send an order to mobilize troops. They immediately set out to Donghu County to arrest people.

At the same time, we should also seal all the intersections of the capital, and never let them run away.

"The next place for the people you track down is Hong Kong City." Song Rong's voice sounded, which immediately made Ji Wen suddenly raise his eyes and flashed a sharp light.

"How do you know that now is not the time to joke with me?"

Although they want to block the exit of the capital and set up checkpoints, these criminals are cunning in a way and are likely to escape without common sense, because they want to involve the surrounding provinces in an operation.

Once a suspicious face is found, report it immediately.

Song Rong did not hide it at all and said what Geng San said word for word. The more Ji Wen heard it, the darker his face became, and his eyes darker.

Geng San is indeed right. When he sneaked into that group for the mission, he really didn't use the current image. At that time, he was disguised.

But it is not a camouflage. In order to deliberately separate the characters in the public's sight, I deliberately keep the hair long, get tattooed, and even dyed the hair and ring.

Everything doesn't meet the regulations, and Ji Wen can do it all.

The purpose is to break into the group organization, wait for the opportunity to find evidence, start with the bottom, and contact the middle and even senior management step by step. It took him two years.

Just as he completed the task given by the group and had the opportunity to reach senior officials, it means that he could dig out more crimes and secrets and communicate them.

But if he failed, someone found his action and immediately chased him. It was his two comrades-in-arms who also broke into the organization, tried their best to protect him and blocked the other party's gun with their bodies.

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