Chapter 296-300

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Chapter 296: Cheng Jia's Storm

The living room of the Cheng family was silent, and there was only the sound of turning over the report. This sudden truth made them unable to react for a moment. Naturally, they heard about what happened at the banquet a few days ago.

Even a few people here were at the banquet at that time, but it was all for business. The old man talked to a group of men upstairs. They didn't go up to disturb them, but watched a good play downstairs.

It was the mysterious little girl who came to her family of origin and angrily asked her to support her. The ugly appearance was amazing.

Of course, the reverse slapping in the face later also stunned a group of guests. Many guests were still excited to inquire about the cases of the Geng family and the Chen family, and the case report they received opened their eyes.

The Chen family exchanged the children of the Geng family, but did not exchange their daughter for the Chen family, but gave it to the Geng family with another maternal child!

This operation really shocked them. While lamenting the fierceness of the Chen family, they inevitably want to know which unlucky pregnant woman is from.

Well, the unlucky mother came out of the Cheng family.

"No, it's impossible. How can I not be the child of the Cheng family, Grandpa? Are you kidding..."

Cheng Yiyao trembled all over, and the report in her hand fell to the ground, looking full of fear and panic. She lived in the Cheng family for more than 20 years, but overnight she found that she was not the birth of the Cheng family.

It's the Chen family who came from nowhere. Even if the conditions of the Chen family are not bad, it's a fart. How can it be compared with the Cheng family's richness?

Can the Chen family give her a luxurious and happy life, and give her such a noble identity and status?


Except for Cheng Yiyao and some people present, everyone was silent. To be honest, the truth really scared them, but let's take a look at the information about the Chen family in the investigation report.

There are photos and information of everyone in the Chen family, not to mention Chen's father and mother, the first two daughters they gave birth to are really six points similar to Cheng Yiyao, who doesn't wear heavy makeup...

"Grandpa, you and you are kidding me, right? How can I not be the child of the Cheng family? I have lived in the Cheng family for so many years. You and your grandmother watched you grow up. Don't do this to me like this."

"I'm wrong. If you say anything, I'll change it. I will definitely change it."

Cheng Yiyao was so scared that she stumbled to Mr. Cheng. She knelt down and pleaded horizontally, and the makeup on her face was crying.

Mr. Cheng's eyes were complicated. Even if Cheng Yiyao cried miserably, he still saw through Cheng Yiyao's careful thoughts viciously. He was just reluctant to reluctant about the glory and wealth of the Cheng family and the loss of his current status.

It should be said that the genes of the Chen family are really good.

Chu Xirong finally reacted and screamed, and his face was ferocious and ugly. "Enough, how can my Yaoyao not be my daughter? That's what I tried to give birth to her. How can she not be my daughter?"

"Don't use any little bastard that came out of nowhere to say that it's my daughter, and it's Cheng Ye's mess outside, right? I want to replace my daughter because you don't like her, right? That've got this ridiculous investigation report."

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