Chapter 266-270

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Chapter 266: Lord Ghosts and Gods

"Why, grandpa the village head, why did you suddenly change the sacrifice to tonight?"

Xia Yue rushed out of the room, grabbed the old man who came outside and asked eagerly that the village head in her mouth was the head of Fengle Village, who was in her seventies.

"This is what Lord Ghosts and God conveys, and I don't know what went wrong with the middle process. In short, sacrifices must be held tonight in case there are many dreams at night."

"But, but..."

Xia Yue wanted to say something, and she was scolded by the village head, "Don't mess around. Do you want to ruin the major events in the village?"

Xia Yue was shocked and looked at the usually amiable village head, and her face appeared, which was gloomy and horrible, which suddenly made her feel a dense coolness in her heart.

Looking at Xia Yue's frightened appearance, the village head slowed down and persuaded her.

"I know you are worried about your classmate, but it's all for the future of Fengle Village. Only by completing the sacrifice can Fengle Village continue to develop."

"Beyond, your classmate's fate is noble, which is an extremely suitable existence with the ghosts and gods. As long as you can complete the Yin marriage, your classmates will also get the ability of the ghosts and gods, which can be displayed in the world, surpass ordinary ghosts, and will not be targeted and swallowed by other fierce ghosts."

"Isn't it good that she can still go home to meet her parents, and her parents can see her, which is no different from living alive?"

Xia Yue was silent, and her whole body was depressed. Seeing the village head winked at the parents behind her. Xia Yue's mother came forward and hugged her daughter, and her father whispered to the village head and sent the village head away.

Xia Yue's mother took her daughter back to the room. Xia Yue climbed into bed and curled up in the corner again. Her mother looked at her and said low in half a sound.

"Mom, is this really right, Lord Ghost..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

The mother came forward and hugged Xia Yue. After all, it was her child. How could she not know what her daughter thought? "Lar Ghost God is the patron saint of Fengle Village. He has guarded Fengle Village for hundreds of years. We can't disobey it."

"You must listen to Lord Ghosts, or you will pay a lot of money."

"As for your classmate, she should have such a life. Even if there is no ghost, she will go to hell after she becomes a ghost after her death, and she can't stay in the sun."

"But if she is with Lord Ghosts and Gods, she can stay in the sun, not be targeted by other fierce ghosts, and she can still be with you and meet her favorite parents."

"You think about it, her parents only have a daughter. If she loses such a child, she will definitely be born. If it were you, if you had a chance to come back to meet her parents, she would come back anyway, right?"

"I want them to be them, and I also hope my daughter can come back to see me. Even if you are not a ghost, I am willing to support you."

Xia Yue shook her body, squeezed her lips, and finally nodded in silence. Her mother held her in her arms and sighed. Xia Yue, who lowered her head, didn't see it. Her mother's face was not as helpless and sighing as she imagined.

It's despair and hatred.

There is also a mood called celebration...

When the father waited for the mother and daughter in the room to be quiet, he pinched off the cigarette and walked in. "That's all, I'll go to help. You take good care of the two children at home."

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