Chapter 326-330

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Chapter 326: Are you threatening us?

"Lar Bai Wuchang, you made a decision so soon. Don't you tell me what sins Zhong Yiming committed?"

Pei Xiu couldn't help asking questions. Although he heard from his old man that Zhong Yiming seemed to have committed a lot of crimes in private, both above and the Ji family were secretly investigating the case implicated by Zhong Yiming. Recently, he had eyebrows, so he only lacked the last key evidence to nail Zhong Yiming to death.

After all, Zhong Yiming is not as simple as ordinary people. He has special abilities. He is unconscious of doing things, and it is even less likely for people to know and can't scientifically demonstrate whether he is involved in the case.

But the above is above. Naturally, there is still a set of measures for this kind of person. Although it is extremely difficult to connect the case, if it consumes a little progress, it will be possible to succeed sooner or later.

Now it is confirmed that Zhong Yiming is involved in many cases, and now there is only a short of key evidence. Once it can be confirmed, not to mention whether Zhong Yiming is a respected master in the feng shui world, he will not escape the punishment of the law!

Pei Xiu was also curious about what crimes Zhong Yiming had committed and what kind of cases were involved. Mr. Pei just said that he would know when he knew it then, so he simply beat back his curiosity.

Now Zhong Yiming lies here miserably. The general trend has gone. He has been scattered all his strength by Geng San, and has been labeled by Lord Black and White Impermanence. After his death, he is scheduled to go to the 18th floor of hell to suffer the most severe and horrible punishment, and he will never be superborn.

Zhong Yiming has to do something to get down to this point.

"It goes without saying that. Just look at the soul. It smells terrible." Hei Wuchang coldly said this sentence, which immediately made Pei Xiu speechless. Looking at the soul, he looked at the soul, and suddenly said what taste meant.

Is it used to see or smell it?

However, Pei Xiu was still very knowledgeable and didn't ask much. Anyway, Zhong Yiming was like this. He went out and handed it over to the police. Zhong Yiming lost power and was also booked by the hell. If he can't make trouble, he can let the police investigate.

"It seems that your disaster is over."

Seeing that Geng San nodded dispensable, Bai Wuchang knew that Geng San finally agreed to his proposal. He immediately glanced at Song Rong, raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile.

Although Song Rong was embarrassed, all the clothes on his upper body were burned to nothing left, revealing his strong and tight abdominal muscles, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and more sexy mermaid thread down, and he could feel the power below.

However, this is not the point. The point is that the purple gold gas around Song Rong has only shrouded around him from the beginning, and falling into the eyes of the emperor and ghosts is as dazzling as the sun, which cannot be ignored.

When it evolves into a real integration into his body and becoming a part of his control, the light produced has been much less, less intense, but more calm and restrained, and the light light released is purer.

However, this only means that Song Rong has mastered part of the spirit of purple gold, which does not mean that he completely controls it completely, but the benefits are also unimaginable. He can not only have the ability to protect himself, but also easily deal with fierce ghosts and even evil spirits like a heavenly master.

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