CHAPTER 1 | Day 1, Part 1

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"Hey. Hey." says a person in an alleyway, beckoning the other over.

"What's that? Who's there?"

"Behind you. Come here."

"Okay, I'm here. What do you want?"

"Say, how would you like to become a god?"


"Would you like to become an admin in real life, basically?"

"What's the catch?"

"You'll just have to watch over a game for me. Can you do that?"

"Oh, hell yeah, that sounds easy. I'm in."


When DylanHyper wakes up, what he expects is to be in his warm bed, his girlfriend beside him, with the sound of alarms ringing in his ears.

What he doesn't expect is instead to be waking up on cold hard ground, face covered in grass, with bright sunbeams being the things that wake him up. Someone with pink hair stands over him, but he doesn't recognise them.

"Hyper, are you alright?"

"...Who are...?"

"Hyper! It's me, Megan! Are you okay?"

Right, Megan has pink hair. So then why does she look so different right now?

"Ooooohhhhh! Oops."

He looks for his glasses, before realising that they're already on his face. No wonder he's so disorientated. He's used to being basically blind when he wakes up.

Hyper starts to get his bearings. He's in a grassy clearing, with trees standing guard all around him, and tulips dotted around. The sky's blue, with only a few clouds - hey, are those mountains in the distance? He doesn't know.

In the clearing, though, is the strangest thing. Aside from himself and Megan, there's a bunch of other people around, too. Ten others, to be exact. Some he recognises, some he doesn't quite yet. Some are still sleeping on the ground, some are still dazed, others are chatting in between themselves.

"Where are we, Megan?"

"I have absolutely no idea."

As he gets a better look at everyone, he starts to notice something weird. Everyone seems to have a hollow green heart symbol on their sleeves, somewhere. And everyone's got a green streak of hair, too. Megan's got one, and as he looks on his sleeve, he's got one too.

"Uh...what's up with the green hearts? Am I hallucinating, or are my eyes still adjusting?"

He can hear Megan loudly facepalm behind him.

"How did you not spot that earlier-"

"Look, I just woke up. I'm not a morning person. I can't function in the morning without coffee."

"Well, too bad, Hyper!" Hang on, that's not Megan speaking.

Turning to his left, he spots the culprit. Who else would it be, standing there in a basic plaid jacket, and that mouse hat he never goes anywhere without, and the hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed in years? Out of all the people to not care about his appearance, he's the least likely, but it's a distinguishing feature now.

"You're just gonna have to deal without it like the rest of us!" Kreek teases, a wide smile on his face. All his expressions are 'wide' in one way or another.

"Hi, Kreek. You got any idea where we are?"

"Nope! Well, actually, I have an idea , but I can't guarantee it's right."

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