CHAPTER 20 | Day 5 Part 1

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The boogeyman wakes up with a horrible pain in their chest, and it doesn't take long for the horrifying realisations to set in. They were informed about what the curse feels like, after all. So it doesn't take them long to figure out what's wrong, and it takes them even less time to start catastrophizing.

They don't dare speak - someone will hear them. They lay back on their bed, face into their pillow, and they desperately try to think of a plan. A plan of murder, which sounds horrible, but they don't have a choice, do they?

With a heavy heart, they lay down in bed, and attempt to go back to sleep - they'll need a clear head if they want to pull this off. But they're not someone to fall asleep easily - and with their thoughts spiralling, they don't fall back asleep until the sun starts to rise.

This is going to be a long, horrible day.


Kreek wakes up bright and early - he's got plans for today. Actually, it's just as the first tiny vestiges of light start to show themselves on the horizon, so he supposes it's dark and early? Either way, he's awake now, if a bit drowsy. He'll wake up quickly, he's sure.

"Morning, Denis, Albert!" he yells, hopefully loud enough for Sketch to hear, as he slams the door open to their sleeping quarters. Denis groans but pushes himself to a sitting position, whereas Albert just turns over in bed and puts his pillow over his head.

Denis yawns and looks Kreek over.

"Kreek, it's like, 5am, what's the matter?" Why does Denis sound more awake than him?

"We've got a lot to do today, so if we want to get it all done, we have to start early! Cmon!" Kreek turns his gaze to Albert. "And wake him up, please? I need to check if Sketch is awake."

"If you want to get started, that's fine, but we're all tired. And it's cold."

"It'll warm up as the sun rises, don't worry!" Kreek points out, even as he shivers. Denis isn't exactly wrong, but he has to get this work done, otherwise-

"Do it yourself, nerd." Albert mumbles from underneath the pillow, but it's clear what he's saying.

"I would love to, but I do not have an infinite amount of time." Kreek responds, kind of annoyed. Things are getting serious today, he'd like everyone to be on board, but sure, he can do it on his own. It's not like he needs their help. But Denis would kill him if he found out Kreek did all of it alone.

Case in point, Denis looks quite relieved at him admitting that.

"Albert, you go back to sleep, I'll help out." Denis responds, getting out of bed and getting a better look at Kreek, looking concerned.

"Dude, just tell me what you need and I'll do it. You should go back to bed, you look like death."

"What are you talking about? I feel fine! Plus, it is a multiple person job, 'cause it's two different things." Kreek resists the urge to rub his eyes as he says that - that would defeat the entire purpose of not looking tired. Because he's not tired. "We need more redstone for traps, and we need to catch up with Fight & Flight on the potion front, so we also need to get to the Nether. If you want to go mining, I'll make a portal and go-"

"Oh-kay, you are not going to the Nether alone. Myself and Albert will go, and you can do the mining. I'm sure Sketch will join you afterwards."

(Oh, of course. If Denis doesn't work with Albert, Albert will start whining.)

"Don't worry, I can handle myself." Kreek winks. "Though if you really don't want me to go alone, I'll drag Sketch with me."

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